
Why is everyone talking about Palin as if she were running for president?

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In the end, its between Obama and McCain. I wish people would give her a rest. I even hate to mention her name in the question.




  1. They shouldn't! The fact that the GOP actually has their ticket in the CORRECT order should speak for itself!

  2. Because, in a sense, she is.  Fully 1/3rd of all VPs in history have wound up being president...most due to the death of the president who nominated them.

    McCain is old and a cancer survivor.  The odds of him lasting 8, or even 4 years are less than 50/50.

  3. The scary part is that if McCain won the Presidency and dies in office, the Palin would be President.  That should give anyone cause for pause.

  4. Normally a VP's position is nonsensical position of the government...other than the VP must be kept abreast of all the comings and goings so that if a president dies that the transition would be smooth.

    This year, unlike any before, she gives the US a voice that they haven't had for many years.  She will be an advocate for the regular person...Not a smooth talking person who is not proud of the US..

    Also, the mistake of the Democratic party was that they didn't chose Mrs. Clinton as a VP...  

  5. Probably because McCain couldn't give a good speech on his life and she happens to be a reasonably good orator but the content remains the same, stagnant, garbage, status quo quagmire Washington politics.  

  6. Palin is the representative and the representation of the ILLUSION of INCLUSION and must be stooped.

    She’s not there to represent for ALL WOMEN but only the ones that McCain et al deem to be worthy of the Republican Party. i.e. the women that supported Hillary Clinton because those women believe that Hillary supported White women more so than ALL Women and don’t want to support Obama because he’s Black.

    Women of America BEWARE of the ILLUSION of INCLUSION.

    You’ve come a long way baby.

    Don’t let McCain and other Republicans install a new and lower glass ceiling that’ll be tougher to crack.

    Obama will help you BREAK THAT CLASS CEILING.

  7. Cos we are loath of talking about Obama.

  8. Christ, her coming out speech was less twelve hours ago.  It's a hot news story.  Give the woman a break.  Your question borders on sounding like sour grapes.

  9. because due to McCain's advanced age it is very possible that she will be the next president if the country is stupid enough to elect another republican. i don't think hockey mom and PTA president are qualifications for any national office and her record as governor doesn't look to good either.

  10. It is simple. McCain is elderly with a history of health issues. So in the minds of many, she is kind of running  a de facto presidential race.

  11. Because the Democrat Liberals and the news media are the ones that compared Palin to Obama.  

    But, Obama did introduce his own running mate as President.

    Musica~ the scary one of both tickets is NOT Palin; it is Obama the least of any of them running for our top seats.   Obama has failed as a US Senate.  He can't even make a decision to pick yes or no.  He has rewrite the ballot ticket with adding PRESENT.   We don't need someone like Obama as President of our nation or Commander in Chief of our military.

  12. Because McCain is a 72 year old cancer survivor.

  13. she's new to the scene, thus she creates buzz, as much buzz as Obama

  14. Cuz McCain is so far superior to Obama, that Dems are forced to fire on Vp GOP candidate.

  15. Because there is an irony that in this election, the VP candidate of the Republican party has GREATER executive experience in an elected office than the presidential candidate of the Democrat party.

    It is a highly significant comparison to make.

  16. All Vice Presidential candidates are running for President. Did you know that 1/3 of all Veeps wound up President either by death of the President, or for running after the President finished his term(s)?

  17. Because liberals cannot stand that this lovely, smart lady is doing wonders for the Republican party unity.

    And she has much more executive experience, and more life experience

    much better speach giving skills


    more successful than Obama

    and she is only running for VP

  18. She just accepted the republican nomination for VP less than 12 hours ago... I think we can understand why everyone would be talking about her.  

  19. Because she is greater than Obama.

  20. I KNOW!  It is like McCain no longer exists and Palin is running for President against Obama!  I can't wait to see Palin in a debate with Biden on foreign affairs.  A good number of fence sitters will be pulled ott the fence that night when it becomes known that she doesn't have a clue on the issues she will be facing.  I admit I am very impressed with her so far but when it is time to compare the candidates she will fall short with her lack of practical experience.

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