
Why is everyone touting Hillary speech as something of greatness?

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She sounded like the same shrill L*****n bull d**e like, why are you hillary fans so blown away?




  1. You can't criticize her without resorting to childish name calling can you?

    Her speech was great.She was genuine no matter how haters like you try to spin it. It was clear that she was supporting Obama. All the talk about how she and Obama hate each other is created by the media and created by people who choose to believe that there is still tension. The tension only exists among hers and his fundraisers

    She had a difficult task of telling her supporters the reasons for why she ran,and why they should support Obama.It was clear that she did very well.So instead of choosing to hate her,you could at least grow up and give her some credit

    I'm her haters on the left and the right will try to spin it in some way that shows that she still hates Obama.That simply is not true

  2. They are still swooning under her influence.

  3. Its really just amazing how quick America has forgotten how she and her husband cleaned out the White House upon vacating it taking many heirlooms that belong to the citizens of the US and how 9/11 is really because of her husband and his no military experience. She has the cajones to stand up there and tell us we dont need another 4 yrs of the eight we just had when all bushes problems can be traced back to the President just before him. She gave us the politicalcorretness and incorrectness which she and her husband can shove. Obama is the last person we need running this country with or without Hilliarys backing. The Dems go for the stupid pretty boys because they have no brains to run this country.All we can hope is God will help us as Allah wont. I agree with your message

  4. She could have went up there and just farted and they would have clapped and given her a standing ovation. I loved the way Bill Clinton was given a que when he was live and him saying "i love you i love you" over an over again. How pathetic. It's all such a show and all of these nuts buy into it. If only I could come up with some stupid sales pitch I would make a fortune off these people. LOL!!!!!!

  5. Well for someone who doesn't like Hilliary I guess you're right. But for democrats who do like her and people who like her as a politician it was A FRIGGEN GREAT SPEECH WOOO!!! IN YO FACE!!! WHY YOU MAD? WHY YOU HATIN'!! WOOO IN YO FACE!! IT BURNS DON'T IT!! AHAHAH!! WOOO

    ...sorry about that I don't get like that.

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