
Why is everyone wanting to let the terrorists win?

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Why is everyone wanting to let the terrorists win?




  1. Good point. I've asked that myself. Why is the government actively trying to scare our populace into destructive policies in war? Why is the government robbing us of our freedoms? When we're afraid and no longer free, the terrorists have won.

  2. Well, look at it this way.  If we pull out of Iraq too soon, they would win.  All of our dedicated service men and women would have perished for nothing!  Are you for real?  Who the heck wants the terrorists to win?  Oh yeah, the liberals!

  3. no one even has a stable definition of whom terrorists are...

  4. Who is everyone? I sure as h**l don't want them to win.

  5. liberal whack jobs have seized control of the government.  liberals love terrorists.  liberals will do anything to avoid confrontation.   democrat victory=terrorist victory.

    even our "conservative" supreme court just voted in favor of child molesters (no death penalty).  

    even our "conservative" president and our "conservative" candidate want to put revolving doors at border crossings.

    we live in a liberal country and if osama wins, the transormation into the biggest wussie country in the world will be complete.  france will even make fun of us.

  6. Sure?

    With what?

    After being "Reincarnated" living in misery like the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets?

    Without being aware of getting kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    All for cheap-skate ghostly stories in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom with self lack of knowledge?

    As cheap-skate glory of glorious past civilization?

    In self destructing human lives of own tribe and community to be the last of the Mohican with self lack of knowldege without being aware of it being exposed in time?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  7. The CIA created all of them . An still controls them . So they the CIA Mafia wins .

  8. What are you talking about??

  9. Betcha someone will ask a half as$ed question like "win what?" or "how do they win?"

    edit: AHAHAHAHA I knew it someone did ask it!

  10. Who wants what terrorists to win what? Specificity is the difference between farting into the wind and saying something worth listening to dude...

  11. what are you talking about?

  12. Win what?

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