
Why is everyone who supports the idea of equality considered a Socialist these days?

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In the days of the civil rights movement and even the feminist movement those were people fighting for TRUE EQUALITY and to say that we even have that now is a joke... Real equality has nothing to do with income but you say the word Equal and all of a sudden someone thinks you want to live in the USSR... It's really stupid




  1. What do you mean by equality?  Do you mean that those who do not pull their weight or work at all should be paid and live the same way as those that have busted their hump for years?

    Or maybe when the Government wants to take away the profits of companies so that they can distribute it via social service programs?

    Or when the criminal, crack head or teenage breeder is to lazy or uneducated to find a career we (the tax payers) should support them so that they can have what we have worked hard to attain?

    Think about this.  Education, hard work and good decision making will set many free.

    Its easy to fail.  America gives you the opportunity to be what ever you want.  And if failure is ones choice, they have nothing or no one to blame but themselves.  

  2. Define equality, equal pay for equal job regardless of s*x and race I'm all for.

    Equal pay regardless of whether you work or way.

  3. Because most who supposedly support equality these days are strong proponents of income redistribution.

  4. This country was founded on principles of equality, "All men are created equal" and as we know, 'men' refers to all people.

    When talking about equality, if you don't specify how or why, you will get accused of being a socialist.  Many support taxing the rich to fund the poor, this is equality to them, and it's also socialism.  Socialism is all about mandating equality, and a society that mandates equality is not a free society.  I want a free and equal society.

    What you seem to speak of is rounding the corners of equality, seeing to it that woman are freely given the same career opportunities as men without bias and that people of all races are treated the same.  We're working towards it, and it's easy to forget we're not there considering the progress that's been made, but keep fighting the good fight!

  5. equality in the sense of opportunities made available to ALL willing to make the best of those opportunities is great.  But equality in the sense of entitlement is wrong.   Everyone has the same opportunities in this country.  Some may have to work harder than others but life isn't fair.  The Obama's are a good example, from how they describe themselves, that anyone can do whatever he/she wants.  For 2 people that didn't grow up in the best of circumstances they certainly have done alright.  How dare they complain that hope is gone!  do they mean the very hope that got them where they are today?  Equality is just a thing the dems use to create victims and thus, as they believe, votes

  6. Wow!!  You mean equally miserable.  Ever heard of the word "freedom"?

  7. Because so many people would rather demonize the idea than begin to argue it.  Apparently it's too complex for the majority of Americans to handle, so they turn to stating that it's socialism, which is not only stupid but sadly inept.  Most of these people don't even know what socialism is, and none of them seem to know that not a single country in the world is entirely socialist (the last bastions of pure socialism are some kibbutzim in Israel, though several countries have adopted socialist ideas).  In fact, I have yet to hear a distinctly good argument as to why socialism is even bad.  It makes the point of saying that equality = socialism very moot.

  8. They aren't really, it's just that so many people like to slam others who don't believe what they believe so they attach ridiculous labels on everything.

  9. Because people who like equality aren't republican, at least not in D.C.  And we all know that the neo-cons can't stand anybody who thinks differently than them.  So instead of just saying that they're ideas are liberal, they call them socialist because they want the most negative connotation humanly possible.  No matter how stupid they sound as a result.

  10. Consider it a parrot-like response of the "conservative talk radio" congregation.

  11. You're going to have to be more specific. I'm not aware that equality equals being a socialist, however perhaps many people are in fact both.  

  12. thats what republicans and conservatives are programmed to say when they hear equality...

  13. That's pretty much the definition of Socialism.

    I support equality...of opportunity not of outcome.

  14. It's just republican political propaganda.  

  15. I am not a socialist and I support equality, which is why I favor once and for getting rid of affirmative action aka reverse racism.

  16. Wealth distribution is socialism not equality.. Equality is what we already have.. We all have an equal chance of doing something with our lives. We decide if we're willing to work hard and reap the benefits of our own labor.. The people you are referring to believe the  government has the right to take what one person has earned and worked for and give it to individuals who have made the choice Not to work or strive for a better life .. There is no "equality" when one part of the population is forced to support another ..

    As far as  "woman in the workplace", I think the The Equal Pay Act of 1963, Pub. L. No. 88-38, 77 Stat. 56, (June 10, 1963) codified at 29 U.S.C. § 206(d), addressed that issue..

    Actually , Suzy... cutsie name... women held a greater percentage of  powerful board committee chair positions in 2007 compared to 2006, according to the 2007 Catalyst Census of Women Board Directors, Corporate Officers, and Top Earners of the Fortune 500.. Is is completely equal, no but there is a huge difference between now and the 1950's..

  17. because equality cost us all it is g*y marriage or a feminist agenda that is outdated...we are tired of having our lives chipped away at so that some other person can get credibility for doing nothing. The activist agenda would still be pursued...even with a successful outcome...because they are activist!...And equality is a poor goal in a nation that is a melting pot...want better pay?change job's...want more respect then act accordingly...want a g*y union? then call it that and leave us married people alone...want to see how unequal most of the world is? Then you might just learn to be gratefull for all your blessings instead of trying to hijack mine.

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