
Why is everyone worried about how much trash they trow away?

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I throw away 2 bags of trash a day.




  1. I dont throw any trash away at all.  That is because I operate my very own ecologically friendly landfill in my next door neighbor's yard when he aint looking.

  2. Where you do think your trash goes, after its picked up from your curb?   Right now, most of the trash that we throw away just gets put in a big hole in the ground.   It will eventually contaminate groundwater and its unsightly and it often smells.

    Since no one wants to live or work next to a landfill, people want to limit the number of landfills that we need.   Eventually, landfills get full and we then need to find other places to put our trash.

    Also, more trash thrown away usually means that fewer recyclables have been removed from the trash.   Recycling saves on natural resources and usually saves energy.

    That's why folks pay attention to how much trash they throw away.

  3. Everyone is worried because trash is created way faster than it deteriorates. In 1990, a group of people went digging through a landfill site and found newspapers from 1952 that we're in great condition and "could have been read over breakfast". Consider how paper is biodegratable and then imagine all the things that aren't.

  4. lol... I recycle more than I actually throw away. The only thing that I have issues with is the stupid Styrofoam.... what do you with it? It says its recyclable but it's not.

    But people are throwing out papers and plastic bottles... recycle its not that hard. I don't want to see it in the ocean.

  5. are you serious?

    how ignorant are you?

    you're one of the millions of people ruining our planet, with as small as a thing og throwing away that much trash.

    would it kill you to at least recycle?

  6. Paul, what do you think happened to those 730 bags of trash you threw out last year? Most likely, they went to some landfill, where they attracted mice, rats, feral dogs and cats, opossums, crows, and other nuisance animals which, well-fed, produced many more.

    Your trash vastly increased the population of flies, horse flies, and mosquitoes, too.

    Some of it, the organic stuff, eventually would have decomposed, but plastics, glass, metal, etc. will still be at that landfill for hundreds of years.

    I throw out about 4 bags a week, for a family of 4, and recycle about twice that.

  7. More trash = more dumps = more air, water and land pollution = less places to live = more stinkiness

  8. Because there's 6 billion people now and most of us are using 3 planets worth of resources. Have kids? Plan on having any? Well you may want to consider the lives they will be living for a second.

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