
Why is everything going wrong today?

by  |  earlier

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What is with this Today :

1-i lost my gym card

2-I broke my cellphone, because i got mad and smashed it, and now im stuck with an old phone which barley works.

3-And now my zune wont plug into the computer, it doesnt read that the zune is connected.

What is going on with me today?????????????




  1. i don't know

  2. You beat me posting this.  It's not just you.  I am having an absolute DAY as well.  You have to just ride it out and hope that tomorrow is better.

  3. Why not appreciate the fact that you are blessed with a cellphone and a computer.  That you are able to attend school and get a good education and have a roof over your head.  There are so many real problems out there, you think??  Soldiers fighting in Iraq, babies starving and dying from aids, etc.  You need to count your blessings!!!!

  4. Mama told me there'd be days like this.

  5. Just having a bad day.

  6. ABSOLUTELY nothin' is wrong....just stop doing what ur doing and sit down and reeeeeeeelaaaaax

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