
Why is everything in Slow motion?

by  |  earlier

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So can someone tell me....for example.... I was ripping the carpet up(as we are decoratin)so I could get the carpet from under the PC desk, and yes you have guessed the pc tipped off the desk but it was all in slow motion,so why couldnt I grab it before it fell to the ground its really weird.

PC ok an still working :-)




  1. are you aneamic?

    if yes...iron tablets..

    i get the same.

  2. I've had this afew times.Was just talking about this with somebody the other day-it's pretty common.The worse time was when a car I was in came off the road and the driver had no control any more,I remember every detail-protecting my head and screaming thinking it was going to roll over.It seemed to go on for ages!!I was just asking that the other day wondering why the brain does that cos it must have some benefits for survival somehow!

  3. You might have low blood sugar, just a guess though

  4. Never move anything when your hi thats what men are for dal!

  5. Yeah the answer above is correct!

    At times when things like that happen and you are in danger or something/someone is, your mind goes into overdrive and as a result things seem to happen in slow motion cause your processing the information in your brain a lot faster. Your reaction times to things become faster which helps you deal with whatever situation is occuring.

    The whole world isn't actually moving in slow motion you just think it is. Your reaction time might be faster but your arms just move the same speed and the computer just falls at the same speed and thats why you never caught it. Maybe next time though your faster reaction times will come in handy. Might even save your life!

  6. p r o b a b l y   b e c a u s e   s o m e o n e   s l i p p e d  

    y o u   s o m e    L S D

  7. Adreneline is a hormone and neurotrasmitor which is secretet by the adrenal gland just above the kidneys.It is like a catalyst which makes the brain work overtime, capturing every single detail of the event and storing the images.That is why every thing seems to be moving slowly.

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