
Why is everything in life so fleeting?

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Do you feel like everything in life is here one day and then gone the next? Why is it this way?




  1. This is an excellent question.

    Everything in life is so fleeting because the material world we perceive with our senses is there for VARIETY.

    And of course variety only is not a good thing, since every human being needs the stability of non-change as well... and that is why spiritual people take time out to reconnect with that aspect of life that does not change... the Spirit, or the "I Am."

    If you are interested in the non-changing aspect of life, this resource goes deep into how to enliven that stable non-changing aspect of life, so that the variety of change can be enjoyed with some stability.

  2. It is this way because your true existence, your true home is in the spiritual plane. That is the real and eternal part of you!

    The physical realm is always changing from one form to another so we must look further than the material world for our answers.

    It begins by a process of inquiry into who and what you are so that you begin to understand you are not the body, you are not the mind, but you are pure consciousness who is the director of the physical form. The physical form has no life in itself except that which Spirit fills it with temporarily and eventually puts it aside to continue life in a more expansive state.

    Life here is but a stepping stone to something greater and in time we will develop our finer senses in order to understand more. It is all part of Life's progression for mankind. There are millions of stars and galaxies out there in the universe(s), and we are just one of many, and it isn't so strange to think that many more worlds exist beyond our own.

  3. There is not enough hours in the day for what one either wants or has to do in life.  Also nothing and no one stays the same.  Everything and every one, including ones self  is constantly changing and moving just as fleetingly.

  4. Do you mean like my migraines?  They don`t appear to be fleeting anywhere to me,  the damned unfleeting suckers.

    Why I can think of plenty that isn`t.  However it looks to me that it might just be the matter of focus.  Certainly if I was programmed to think or if I preferred to think that stuff was fleeting, well then the Universe would have no choice but to make them appear fleeting to me.

    Then again that would require one heck of a lot of willpower.  Cheers!

  5. Everything in life is fleeting, because we don't take the time to communicate, to pay attention, to be real.

    It's not here one day, nor gone the next, most lingers, even dreams. Scars, smiles, passion, sorrow, each leave a bittersweet taste that lingers.


  6. Yes.

    Time moves forward, the Earth is constantly moving. No matter how great a moment is or how great an amount of time we seem to have, it will and has to pass. This may be because we are dictated by sleep and inability to see in the dark or it may be because nowadays, everyone has so many things they MUST do (school, work, etc.).

  7. Because it IS fleeting..  our lives, us, everything.  Everything changes.. our lives are an 'event' - in fact the 'universe' is an event..   and it will all be as a (very slow) version of a fireworks display..

    From Wordsworth's 'Intimations' -

    There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream,

    The earth, and every common sight,

    To me did seem

    Apparelled in celestial light,

    The glory and the freshness of a dream.

    It is not now as it hath been of yore;--

    Turn wheresoe'er I may,

    By night or day,

    The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

    The Rainbow comes and goes,

    And lovely is the Rose,

    The Moon doth with delight

    Look round her when the heavens are bare,

    Waters on a starry night

    Are beautiful and fair;

    The sunshine is a glorious birth;

    But yet I know, where'er I go,

    That there hath past away a glory from the earth.

    Yes..  live happy & enjoy what fleeting time we have..!!!  ; - )  

  8. Maybe so we learn to appreciate the little things in life? Enjoy it while we still have it and are still here to enjoy it.

  9. Its the law of life, its a never-ending cycle of change. There's no life if there's no death. no good if there's no bad. no Devil if there's no God.

  10. Not everything is here one day and gone the next.  Everything in creation changes, but at vastly different rates.  Some things last for billions of years and others come and go in a flash.  

    But if you're looking at human society in this time and place, yes, things are changing much faster than ever in history.  Used to be, and not all that long ago, that there was hardly any difference between one generation and the next.  Now parents hardly know how to raise their children because the children's world is so different from their own.

    As to why that is, some say it's because the world is undergoing a transformation, in which something old is dying and something new struggling to be born.  And just like with the birth of a child, when the mother goes into labor, things start happening very fast and there's a lot of pain and yelling and blood and so forth.

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