
Why is everything in space spinning?

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Why is everything in space spinning?




  1. it's bored?

  2. the big bang created momentum and every object/particle was set in motion.

    solar systems have the elliptical spinning of larger objects, like planets, is due to the gravitational forces of the star that forms the central body, like our Sun.

    Other random objects are still traveling at high seed  away from the original big bang as the universe is still expanding.

    Some of these can hit and collide with planets or enter new galaxies.

  3. because of gravity.

  4. cuz everything in space is being effected by gravity and interia

  5. simply because if it didn't we wouldn't be here to see that it didn't.

    but you can look into it alot more deeply and start to find all kinds of things out like dark energy and dark matter. gravity plays the biggist part of it pulling every thing inwards the only things that havent fallen in are left ciculating it.

  6. After reading the answers which most agree with on another, how come th Moon is static?

  7. Have you considered that all these explanations others have supplied, excludes that every act has a cause as they have suggested. But more importantly, every cause has an initiating cause. Ultimately, there must be a root cause that defies fathoming for science. Some have said molecules and particles, some gravity, etc cause the spinning. I ask, what has created those things (particles, etc) and who writes their pattern of operation. They work in harmony and order, who determines that?

    May I present to you a justification that no one has seemed to mention - that the orderliness seen throughout creation including the "spinning space" must presuppose that there is an explanation, a hand, a cause, a builder, a creator - the one who alone can and does sustain all things - a power that defies logic, a skill defying comprehension, an order that is beyond human understanding - God who says at His command all things come into existence!

    He only can and is the indisputable cause, of the initiating cause. At His say so things happen. He is the founding root of science itself!!!

  8. Because a rotation rate of exactly zero is improbable.

    And the spin doesn't generally "run down", since angular momentum is conserved.

  9. Gravity. Thats what keeps everything moving

  10. The reason why all the planets spin is because anything that impacts from space is unlikely to hit it front on it will likely hit at an angle and then some of the energy from the collision will go into rotating the planet, for instance the reason why the Earth spins is because it collided with a proto-planet about the size of Mars which gave us spin and formed the moon from the debris.

  11. everything is spinning this is because the big bang erupted and repelled the universe. think about this: the universe is spinning, the local group are spinning, the milky way is spinning, the solar system is spinning, earth is spinning and were even spinning!

    But it wont spin forever, because everything will slow down and go back inside a tiny dot and hopefully a new universe is created!

  12. cus god is drunk.

  13. I have no idea, But I gets this effect every saturday when I lay down after 10 pints of lager.

  14. cos its in space and likes to wiggle and jiggle around. Yipppeeeeeee.

  15. This is due to Gravitational forces throughout our universe. All mater has gravitational force within it and everything including dark matter is a form of matter. so you can only imagine how much matter is out there causing everything to spin

  16. People have mentioned gravity and inertia, but I'll expand on it a little.

    Start with the idea of a huge cloud of gas and dust.  The individual particles will be moving in all directions.  The collective gravity may be enough to make these particles start falling toward a central point.  But they are not all moving directly toward the center.  Each has some of its own "sideways" motion.  As the cloud condenses, a bias is established and the central part has particles revolving around the center of gravity a little bit more in one direction than another.  This larger motion in one orbital direction creates a tidal drag which influences more particles to orbit in that same direction.  Eventually. all the material is revolving in one direction.  This general principle would apply to stars as they rotate, planetary systems, and even galaxies.

  17. all objects have mass.

    mass effects other objects around it. think gravity.

    particles of dust will react to each other, begin to orbit each other, and will eventually combine with each other. they now have more mass, and more of a pull towards other particles of dust. the mass and gravity of these combined particles attracts more particles, and thus increases its mass/gravity.

  18. The truth - Every particle has a mass, and mass is gravity. So the larger the mass the greater its gravity. An object like a planet or a star is created when a luck mass gets heavier than the others around it and starts pulling other particles into it, making this object grow and grow into a greater mass. Now that is has mass, and other large object will come close and gets caught in its gravitational field. It has energy from where it came from so tries to escape but can't. It is then left orbiting the object. It has a balance and basically stay there. That's basically it very briefly. It like a school experiment when you have a scale and two different mass of weights, and you try and balance them over a pivot by moving one of them closer or further from the pivot.

  19. to keep everything circulating =]

    it's the same reason that our blood whizzes around inside us

    it builds up energy to keep everything working


  20. i wont expand on the answers because a few of them are dot on.

    the moon isn't spinning because it is tidally locked to the earth.

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