
Why is everything so much more expensive in Germany?

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I am moving to America from Germany next year and I am very excited. I visited there for one year as student and love everything about America! Everything is big and there is much more opportunity to get job and make much money. It is unbelievable how much cheaper things are in America. Petrol costs $2.58 USD per gallon but here in Germany it costs roundabout $7.18 USD per gallon! Also milk costs $2.99 USD per gallon in America but $5.60 USD per gallon here! I found one computer of the same model everything the same here in Germany it cost $2 200 USD but in America only $1 050 USD and a full DVD sound system from BOSE cost $3 480 USD in Germany and only $1 199 USD! That is no mistake. Hello? And people are more happy in America and friendly! Everyone in stores say sorry when we have accident but not in Germany. Naja. So why is this so? Why does everything cost so much more here in Europa. France it is even worser. Before I came to America I only heard how good it is but now I know!




  1. See my other answer in Germany.

  2. I'm an American and I live in Germany, so I have a bit more experience with it.  First, there are way more sales taxes in Germany than in the US.  It's about 7-8% on average in the US, and in Germany it's about 19%, and going to be 21% next year.  You can't judge things by the exchange rate though.  Someone taking home 30,000 Euros in Germany, is basically the same thing as someone taking home $30,000 dollars in the states.  When you live in that country, the exchange rate doesn't usually make a huge difference to the average person.  

    Let's see.....if you buy American products in Germany, they are bound to be more expensive than in the states as well.  You have import costs, taxes on the imports, etc.  

    Gasoline is also more expensive because of the taxes here.  Oil is purchased in American dollars at the moment, so you would think that since they use the Euro here they can buy it for less.  This is a correct assumption, but because of the taxes, you still end up paying more.  Right now, it costs around 1.3-1.4 Euros per liter where I live, and when I took a vacation to Spain, the cost was about 70-80 cents per liter.  

    I suppose, in the end, it all boils down to taxes, really.  In the states, there are far less.  As a result, things are cheaper.

  3. Do you really want to post the same question in all European countries? If it's too expensive for U stay back home,pls.

  4. Taxes. If you want free, almost free or cheap services (health, school, public transport) you need taxes to pay for them. If you decide you don't need those free services you pay less taxes and pay less as a consequence. That's a choice.

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