
Why is evil patric, the english man, a saint, when he destroyed , the celtic religion?

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when one person destroyes a nother persons religion, why is he concidered a saint.patric was a englishman , who prostalitized his religion, and destroyed the celtic religion, so why is he a saint??

arnt saints supose to be good people not bad people.destroying some othere peples religoin, to me is a bad thing,like , the myth of running all the snakes out of ireland.

mabe it ment he ran all the [human -snake- like people, out of ireland , with his prostalitizing




  1. It is called the victor writes the history books lol, but honestly, it was because they considered the Pagan Religion the Devils Religion and by destroying it, he destroyed the Devils work.  Over all it was /is, a load of B.S., but that is how the cookie crumbles.  There can never be anything good or beautiful if it was not done by their God.  Thankfully, these days’ people are moving away from that primitive way of thinking.  However; back then, it was common and there were many bad things in the Pagan religion too.  The thing is, the {fill in whatever Religion of the time you like} had a ton of bad in it that they refused to acknowledge because THEY were following Gods will.

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