
Why is evolution no a theroy?

by Guest21419  |  earlier

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Why is evolution no a theroy?




  1. Evolution is not only an uneducated theory, but it is totally false. There are 3 basic concepts of evolution. 1) evolution chance 2)evolution theistic 3) evolution progressive. Assuming that all three agree with the concepts of evolution, each one conclusively proves the other two are impossible.

  2. Evolution IS a theory. Just like the theory of gravity.

  3. Evolution is one of our most strongly-supported scientific theories. A theory is an idea that has been tested for years, and much evidence has been gathered tro support it. I see a creationist tries to refute it, but he makes no sense at all. Creation myths are not theories, since there is no real evidence at all to support any of them. Joel is lying when he says it is uneducated and flse. The best-educated scientists know it is true. Creationists are the ones who are usually uneducated and have false beliefs.

  4. As the theory of evolution is a theory, your question is difficult to fathom.  It's an evidence-based explanation for the variety of lifeforms on the planet.  The explanation has been tested for the past 150 years against the available evidence, and the explanation it offers is valid.

    It's possible you might be referring to the observed fact of evolution; descent with modification that's seen to occur in laboritories across generations every day of the year.  That fact isn't a theory, but it is part of the evidence supporting the theory.

  5. because it has been verified as a fact.

  6. Your question leads me to believe you do not know what a theory is. It is NOT some haphazard guess at something (like some would have you think) but its an explanation for some phenomenon that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning. It takes a lot of hard work from a lot of people for something to even become a theory. Did you know gravity is a theory, too?

    When things like evolution and gravity become so indisputable as they are, they are called paradigms.

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