
Why is family so important when they tend to hurt us the most?

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Why is family so important when they tend to hurt us the most?




  1. Because they are there for us we we are at our lowest. When no one else cares family cares. As I was taught as a child you don't have anything without family!

  2. good question.  

  3. because they like ******* us hard thats the only thing they are important for  

  4. I know..  my family is never there for me when i'm going threw rough spots i'm 15 and i fully depend on my friends for support!

    So i honestly can't answer your question cause now my family isn't important to me!

  5. Bcoz that's how they mould us... They teach us to be fearless is some situation, that are similar to the c**p that they have put us through...

    Like parenting---- Some parents are gr8 others are hopeless, you learn from your parents.. the hopeless one's teach us how not to treat our kids and the gr8 ones teach us how to be more independent, how to cook and how to care and nurture our kids.

    Aunt's and uncle's---- some show us how to enjoy life and other's like to remind us that we're screwed up bcoz their life sux and want us to fall into the same hole....

    Cousins--- well most of the time they're just jealous because they dont have the back bone support that you do and you're able to go forward.

    Brothers and sisters---- older or younger I think they treat us worse sometimes bcoz they whinge about everything, they expect you to be  the emotional **** wall and take the c**p...

    All in all we're pretty ordinary ppl our make up is how our families mould us, we experience what we learn from them and grow from it.. Good or bad they helped make us the ppl we are!

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