
Why is fast food so unhealthy?

by Guest33965  |  earlier

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It is the same stuff I eat anywhere what are they doing to it to make it so unhealthy.

If I eat a burger at home no big deal.....If I eat a burger at McDonalds I might die




  1. its processed with al that grease,m and fat and its just opacked full of calories,and its cheap so the lowerthe price the cheaper the product so it tends tobe lesss healthy....its juts like puttig garbage in your stomach...but its tasty garbage : )

  2. Anything greasy is unhealthy at home or McDonald's

  3. Mainly the fats and most of it is fried.

  4. Unhealthy foods are unhealthy if eaten excessively or often as part of an imbalanced diet. If you cooked nothing but burgers for yourself at home and made them just as greasy as mcdonalds burgers, you'd probably find it a problem as well.

  5. i used to work at mcdonalds and the bin that the meat goes in is just piles of grease, the grill presses the meat for like 45 seconds and its loaded with grease, also the meat isnt even real i dont think

  6. lol .... cause I think they use realllll unhealthy oil and stuff .... like when we make a hamburger's .... we like grill them .... but they deep fry them or something lol .... I know I feel the same .... I love mcdonald's .... lol .... hope this help's !!!!

  7. Not all fast food is unhealthy.

    Try Subway or Quizno's

    When you go to McDonald's get the snack wraps or salads.

  8. eating fast food daily can lead to problems like obesity

  9. First of all you control the quality and grade of meat you put in your burger at home. I use ground sirloin which has very little fat. I'm not sure that the stuff McDonalds palms off as meat is actually meat but say it is for the sake of argument. Have you actually looked at how little there is, actually just a few tablespoons, its also grey from the additives and grease. When I make a burger at home, its pure, fried fast, nothing added, and I can eat it with fresh vegetables and a whole grain bun or no bun at all. What you are eating at McDonalds is the bun, the condiments, the additives and something called "meat". You won't die if you eat at McDonalds but you will sure wish you did.

  10. fast food is very processed and greasey, unlike the food you make at home.

  11. its not the pattie or the bun or the veggies. they slap on loads of sauce, cheese, bacon....... thats what gets you. one place even butters the bun before grilling it. also the portion sizes are larger and most of the fries eaten at home are baked or cooked in oil with no transfats.

  12. chicken nuggets

  13. They basically fry 3/4 of their stuff so you have all that fat and bad junk in the oil and it ends up in your food. Plus, I think it's like really hardcore processed and fake...

  14. its because its cheaper for them to buy low quality products in bulk to maximize profit. People like me and you would not mind buying a pack of Kraft Singles for our families, but we would if we were trying to feed a nation.  And it goes even deeper than this, but what I want is at least a healthy option that is just as affordable as the bad stuff on menus

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