
Why is fat prejudice still the only acceptable prejudice?

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Why is fat prejudice still the only acceptable prejudice?




  1. It's's hard on people who are overweight to get a fair shake(no pun intended).

    Just b/c you are thick and happen to have some extra padding, people treat you like you aren't human or have feelings.

    It's crazy out here now. Every where you turn, you see ads for diet this, loose that, tighten this, cut that.

    If there weren't heavy people in the world to see this stuff to, then where would these doctors and people who are pushing this stuff find a job and make a living.

  2. Since there are so many people who feel like fat=lazy, ugly, slob, etc.

    Honestly, I don't believe in this because I see it as a) I don't know their story and b) Who am I to judge? Not my life or my business. Plus I don't really feel the need to ruin someone's day over the way they look.

  3. ~~Sorry-there are two prejudices, smoking and obesity! I think it's because both cause severe health problems which cause society money. Smoking also invades other people's health. Anything which causes tax payers money, seems to be hated!~~

  4. Because, like alcoholism and smoking, it is self-inflicted and preventable.

  5. It isn't.  Age prejudice is also alive and well.


    Fat prejudice is acceptable because being overweight is perceived as being a sign of an inability to control oneself.  While some of us certainly could exercise more and cut back on calories (myself included), it is much more complicated than that.  We all have to eat, and eating is a very comforting activity.  For me-after a very stressful day of trying to make miserable people happy (and never really succeeding) I NEED a cup of ice cream.  Seriously NEED it, like a drug. Hopefully, you aren't a fat old woman, like me.  If you are, just have a cup of ice cream and everything will seem much nicer.

    It is unattractive (but then, so is being stick thin or having overly processed hair and make-up)-but it certainly does not warrant the nastiness it evokes.  

    Small, frustrated, mean people have to have someone to pick on to make themselves feel better.

  6. Because uneducated, lousy people like Sffdsdfgs D exist.

  7. You are forgetting smoker prejudice.  I think people view smokers and obese people in a similar vein - that they are victims of their own behaviours.  The big differences is that fat people will soon be a majority.  I suspect the "stigma" will become less as the population of overweight folks grows.

  8. Because unlike race, you can help it.

  9. i don't accept it.

  10. It is only acceptable if people put up with it....the more people stick up for each other, regardless of the prejudice that is taking place, the less comfortable people will feel being mean to others.

  11. nobody thinks its predjudice

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