
Why is finding/getting a job in ireland such a long drawn out process?why does everyone want a copy of your CV

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the uk appears quicker at recruitment and hardly anyone asks for a CV now




  1. Your CV is 'Your life up until Now' so be very careful how you write it. Sadly, I know people who have thrown a 'stuck' envelope in the bin because they can't be bothered to open it. This is not a lie. In Ireland, the Leaving Cert is God. I often wondered why, but now I know.  If you have the 'stick-to-it-tiveness' to do the Leaving it speaks volumes for your character. And really, when you think about it, it does. In the face of all those teenage parties, you took time out to study. That says a lot about you.  Lots of people lie about having a Leaving Cert and if the prospective employer doesn't investigate it, then fine. Lots of them don't.  However, if it's a job with promotional prospects, down the line you might meet with Mr. Perfect who investigates everything. No matter if you have been in that job for 10 years, if you lied about your qualifications at the start, you will be fired. I, personally, would not hire anyone without a good CV. If they know their job prospects are hinging on this and still can't be bothered to do it properly, do I really want someone who cuts corners working for my company? Of course not. Do a good job on our CV. But before that, get the qualifications that you need to MAKE a good CV. Leaving Cert in Ireland is the absolute minimum you need.

  2. why dont you get a job in the uk then?

  3. My experience of being a recruiter or an interviewee is that people in England do want your CV.  Once you have a suitable CV created it is simple.  I don't think I would want to work for an employer who didn't want my CV

  4. I find it hard to believe that employers in the UK would interview anyone without checking their references or credentials before...

  5. I don't see why submitting your CV is a problem. It's important that your future employer can see what you have done and are capable of doing, at a glance.

    Submission of a CV will usually be followed by an interview, where you can 'sell' your suitability for the job on offer.

    A badly-written CV with poor spelling and punctuation can save a potential employer valuable time when looking for the right person for a position.

  6. CV's are the only way for your future employer to get a quick look at your working experiance!! How else would you apply for a job  and expect companies to offer you an interview based on your suitability!!!!

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