
Why is football called soccer in some places?

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Ok I'm from england and I call it football but lots of other people, most totably americans call it soccer?


I thought long and hard about this and the only thing i could come up with is because you wear socks...

This sounds like a very stupid reason to name something soccer...

so I'm wondering is there any other reason for this name?





    here read. have a nice day.

  2. The English call it football, when the stupid bleeping Americans call it soccer.

    I hate when most people call it soccer. Kids come up and say, 'Hey wanna play soccer?" SOCCER?"  I hate the Americans I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them OMG OMG!

  3. so the yanks can differrenciate from american football and soccer

  4. it just is

  5. america i mean

    they have the world series and are the only country to enter

  6. the yanks already have American football which is more popular than our version so to avoid confusion they call it soccer

  7. Soccer comes from Association Football.

  8. Because America decided to call a new sport football which barely uses feet...and then remembered that there is already a sport with that what to do?? Let's leave the name that doesn't even make sense...and then call the old football "Soccer" and  yess...I think because soccer players wear socks.

  9. In Latin America for example

    Fútbol is the term in Latin America for Soccer in the US.  In the US we also have American Football which is  different from soccer.  I would think they use the term soccer so it can be different since the name Football is already use by a different type of name.

    This is what I found on the net

    "In England, there were two types of football: rugby football and association football. The slang term for rugby football was "rugger," and the slang for association football was "assoc." The word "assoc" gradually evolved into "soccer," which was much easier to say.

    When association football was introduced to North America, gridiron football (the type played by the NFL and in the Super Bowl) was already well established. To avoid confusion, Americans adopted the British nickname "soccer" for the new sport."

    Soccer is originally from socca (short for association). In 1891 the word became socker and then, in 1895, soccer.

    The A in AFC very often also stands for Amateur and not Association.

  10. The rules of football were codified in England by the Football Association in 1863, and the name association football was coined to distinguish the game from the other forms of football played at the time, specifically rugby football. The term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as a slang abbreviation of the word "association", often credited to former England captain Charles Wreford-Brown.[46]

    Today the sport is generally known simply as football in countries where it is the most popular football code. In countries where other codes are more popular, the sport is more commonly referred to as soccer, and indeed is referred to as such in the official names of the governing bodies in the United States and Canada. FIFA, the sport's world governing body, defines the sport as association football in its statutes,[47] but the term most commonly used by FIFA and the International Olympic Committee is football.

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