
Why is gas so expenive?

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where i am its almost $4 a gallon!

so stupid




  1. only $4??? i'm almost at $5!

  2. It's becoming a rare commodity....the world is running out of resources - not just gas but also gas and water.

  3. They are greedy people who prey on the little people.  Like us.  And, the real stupid part is, we buy it.  If everyone just stopped buying it, and stayed their butts at home, then they might actually lower it, so we can go back to work and get everything going again.  Like we are actually going to do that.  But, it was a thought. Lol.

  4. fiddle stiks,tiddly winks,the public is the same to these companys that want to have something in their lifetime

  5. Because you are willing to pay for it.

  6. I don't think anybody should call you stupid for asking this question.There's so much c**p sometimes on the news that it gets a little confusing.I'm pretty sure there are various reasons.The main one that sticks out to me is oil being a limited resource.

    P.S-Also--whoever said we're running out of water..?Please..explain..?

  7. Because we are running out of resources and its too expensive to find resources they pay millions to find it and it gets harder and harder every time

  8. the world has limited fuel for cars thats why it costs a lot

  9. So that the President's friends can line their pockets at America's expense

  10. Dang greedy OPEC. They can do things and they aren't doing it. Like building more refineries. The government too also do things like lower taxes on gasoline. As well as all taxes across the board. That would help us all out.

  11. ur lucky that its only almost $4 a gallon.. where i am its like $4.10. but anyway gas prices are high due to an increase in world demand, like countries such as china and india,while the amount supplied by middle eastern nations remains the same...

  12. why because the people that run those gas stations dont give a c**p about the economy because they have plenty of money.most of those people are probly driving around hummers  and burning up all of our fossil fuels.lets face it,those gas gussling  people (pardon my french) are jackasses!

    i agree with momof3!-if every single person in america would justt stay home and not buy gas for just one, one day!,it would make a HUGE impact,but americans are TOO lazy 2 get off of there fat A**es to even do that one simple task-and the crazy thing is they would be sitting on there buts all day long doing NOTHING!

    o yeah and i just saw its $4.08 in iowa!-yah well i liv in california and its up 2 over 5.00 a gallen

  13. US $ dollar is depreciating and demand on oil from rapid developing countries (china, India ,US ) are increasing.

  14. The world  is half emeny on gas. people don't know that we can use oil which is way better than gas.

  15. Um... I am in California and we pay almost 4.50 a gallon.

  16. I agree with you it is stupid! Here in Ohio it is 4.08 but My Brother inlaw said he seen it for 3.77 at flying jays!

  17. Look up your favorite marxisr democrat:  and see that they take money from the oil/gas companies.

    Marxist democrats have been in charge of the Senate and House for the last three years and all take money from the oil companies.  Write your marxist democratic senator and ask them why they don't want to drill for oil and have banned all new refineries for the last 20 or more years.  If Hillbilly Willie had acted when he was the head socialist, we would be pumping oil right now.  

    Obama doesn't want to drill for oil so that his muslim terrorist friends can supply oil at an outrageous price.  He full of #%$^ if he thinks that it will take years and years to produce oil here.  I guess that the marxist dem's want us to continue being at the mercy of muslim terrorists.

    Basically the shortage of oil isn't a big surprise, the main question here is why haven't the marxist democrats done anything in 3 years when they have been the majority???

  18. its not that we are running out of oil its because everyone who buys oil at the stock place thinks in 50 years oil will be worth alot more then now so they bid back and forth jacking up the prices but in reality in 50 years when my fxing car runs on the likght from the moon and what not oil will be worth nothing and all these people will loose their money

  19. GWB f-em

  20. As you note, fuel prices are not expensive in the US in comparison to the rest of the world. You need to look externally for international issues like this. The price rises are due to OPEC manipulations and so on, and also price adjustments to make US prices for crude closer to par with other countries. Also there is the burgeoning demand from China, and soon India, and this is beyond US influence.

    I note people here complaining about OPEC influence. OPEC is designed to safeguard the 12 member states' interests, and there should be no problem with this, otherwise customers can behave as the price-makers as they do with many other resources. As with the European Union, the US cannot be a member, and there is fear of the power of these trading blocs.

    The rest of the world deals with much higher prices for fuel, and US trade barriers, so the US needs to cope with protective organisations like OPEC in return. It is also the only way that we can get fuel for the prices we currently pay. If the US could command prices, it would pay less than it currently does to the detriment of the rest of the world, and OPEC nations.

    Remember also that non-OPEC oil nations (the US, Canada, Australia, UK to name some), are not restricted by OPEC quotas, but their overall production is less and their price structure is still influenced by OPEC.

  21. Big deal, in England its nearly 5 Pounds Sterling.  That's 10 dollars.

    If you know anything about economics it is about supply and demand.  And not necessarily real supply and demand.  Prices are set on the trading floor by commodities speculators.  The more they keep predicting oil will go up, it will, and it has.

  22. Because there is d**n speculators d**n d**n d**n

  23. "Cuz all bush wants is to line is fat greedy walet with as much cash as he can," As my mum and dad would say...

  24. US buying india and China product has help them to become a developed countries.  They are competing for the same oil that we are using, and OPEC isn't increasing their output.   The bottom line is that other countries are willing to pay more for the oil.    There isn't much you can do to stop this.  stop using gas/oil and stop buying made in India & made in China products.

  25. wowww............are you retarded......WATCH THE NEWS

  26. because the world only has

    limited oil.

  27. because it is in high demand.

    within recent years highly populated places like india and china

    have started to buy cars instead of ride bikes. all of the people there are buying oil making it less available. everyone blames the US but for once it's really not our fault.

  28. because earlier then there were plenty of gas and it was just a dollar a gallon but now there are more cars using up the limited gas in our world than back when it was then. ----BUT---- if you look at the U.S and how we use lots of gas and then a place for example like China cuz China has many ppls with bikes and they walk a lot with few gas. Also Saudi Arabia i just heard was only 19 cents a gallon because they don't use much gas and they have lots of rich gas in their lands.

  29. because the middle east controls world economy.

  30. first of all gas is NOT  getting low in the earth but it is just deeper in the ground and some places wont drill for gas on their land.  they need new tools to get deeper in the earth but it is supposed to go down to $3 in 6 to 8 months. hope i helped:)

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