
Why is geography categorized in arts category?

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Is it not a science subject?

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  1. it is in the science & mathematics section, isn't it?

  2. you see the -graphy at the end well you guessed it, its art. Now if we chopped that of and put a -logy on the end making it ...geology then you got a science.

  3. It's a matter of semantics, frankly, as the saying goes, "A rose by any other name will smell as sweet."

    As cartography has a 'historical' basis in illustration, it lends itself to "art," whereas Geography in the common era clearly is far more sophisticated and involves, in a more general sense, socio-political elements, understanding of critical complex scientific principles and so forth.  I suppose that for this reason, by virtue of "historical foundations" it remains listed as an "art."  But that's neither here nor there, the bottom line is that it employs more more hard, factual matters which can be addressed with RIGOUR.  I think this distinction makes Geography more or a science than a form or "art" as we use the term in the modern era.

    It's similar to why Economics is described as a "social science" when it's based far more on Mathematical theory, political theory and so forth.  However, despite this, as it involves production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management within the construct of "social" decisions, it falls under the category of a Social Science.  I find this silly, personally, but nontheless, it's a matter of semantics and historical bases for the given disciplines.

    Suffixes, in and of themselves, don't really help to categorize much, simply become Latinization of words is not pragmatic in the modern era, just as drawing assumptions about discipline based on the construct of the label is not diligent.

    If one were to categorize Geography as a type of martial arts, it really wouldn't have a signficant impact on the discipline, per se.

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