
Why is georgia mad at russia? are they still mad about losing the civil war?

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i have nothing really against our southern brothers and sisters, but it just seems like if they want to make a big deal out of something, why dont they big a fight with one of ther neigboring states, like virgina or new england or someone like that?




  1. Good morning: The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States and several other names, was a civil war in the United States of America.

    The Georgia that is on the news, TV and radio these days is

    known officially since 1990 to 1995, as the Republic of Georgia, is a country in Eurasia to the east of the Black Sea, most of which is located in the South Caucasus, while a portion of the territory lies in the North Caucasus. It shares borders with Russia in the north and Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan in the south.

    Georgia is a unitary, emerging liberal democratic nation-state with an ancient historical and cultural heritage. Georgian civilization stretches back for more than three thousand years of history with an exclusive literary and artistic heritage. Culturally, historically, and politically Georgia is considered part of Europe; however, the official geographic classification of the country varies according to different sources. Sometimes Georgia is considered a transcontinental nation.

    These are two very different (conflicts) Wars if you will. It would be a good time to bring out the Atlas or Globe and see where the countries are located.......thank you

  2. i think  you miss a few chapters while in school -- but to answer your question - because two of georgia states want to break away an form ther own government and georgia does not want this to happen!!!

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