
Why is giving birth at home OK but filling my sons cavity at home called child abuse here?

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Why is giving birth at home OK but filling my sons cavity at home called child abuse here?




  1. Restating the question merely reinforces your foolery. If you are bored try drilling out your own teeth and repairing them. I'm fairly certain that this will not be so enjoyable as you would have the rest of us believe that saving a few dollars would be for you. Once you have done so, please report the results to me. I know people who can deal with such savagery in ways that you cannot imagine. Would you like to meet them?

  2. Because giving birth requires no specific knowledge, it's completely natural and humans did it without help for millennia. If it was really so dangerous to give birth without medical help, there wouldn't be so many people walking around.

    Make a mistake while filling a cavity and you could cause a lot of problems. Most people do not have the proper equipment (dentist drills, dental amalgam) or skill to fill a cavity without a serous risk of harm. Are you a dentist?

  3. People can die of infected teeth and gums. Just how much do you care about your sons anyway? Take them to a dentist and either work out a payment plan or use CareCredit through your charge card. Geez!!!????????????? : O

  4. Because giving birth at home is a decision made by an adult, your child doesn't suffer anymore being born at home than he would being born in a hospital unless something goes wrong in which case both the child and mother could needlessly die.  Filling a tooth is something that should be done by a licensed professional, not someone who doesn't know what they are doing, how do you plan on deadening the pain cause by drilling out and removing all of the decayed parts of the tooth?  I have to agree with the authorities on this one, there is a huge difference between doing something as natural as giving birth and something as unnatural as drilling and filling a tooth.  Also, what do you plan on using to fill the tooth?

  5. is that even a serious question? you shouldn't have given birth PERIOD if it is.

  6. Oh for heaven's sake would you stop it!  All these posts are nutty.  You really need to seek professional help, and Yahoo Answers isn't it.  I honestly recommend you talk to your family doctor or a qualified mental health professional.  No shame in it, you'll feel better.

    And whatever you do, don't try home dentistry.  If anybody ever finds out (and they will), you will most likely have your child removed from your custody while an investigation is completed, and possibly permanently.  Forget about why it's wrong, because you clearly don't have that reasoning skill in your mental toolkit right now, or you wouldn't keep trying to assert that it's okay.  Just accept for now that it is wrong, criminally wrong in the case of a child under your custodial care, and ask a professional to help you understand why.  You and your child will be happier in the long run.

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