
Why is global warming a political issue when it has not been proved?

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Why is global warming a political issue when it has not been proved?




  1. because people like to have something to worry about and be all "we should do this blah blah." it makes them feel smart. most of the time they're idiots who have no clue what they are talking about. basically because people need to always have something to worry or complain about. no matter what politicians do the people will complain. youd think theyd worry bout important stuff. but no

  2. Don't buy into the "Green" brainwashing that is going on right now. It's a corporate and political tool to control your habits and behavior, and ultimately your money. Just try to be a good steward of your environment. Call your leaders to put pressure on China and India for producing more pollution than anyone. That would actually accomplish something. Enjoy your life, don't feel guilty for living in the land of plenty.

  3. It's a political issue because it poses a severe risk to the citizens of the US (and world.)  Even if you don't believe in Global Warming, why is it so horrible to become more efficient?  If it is true, and we did nothing, then what will future generations say about us?  Science is never "proven."  It is supported by evidence.  New evidence could change a hypothesis, and then good science needs to explain why.  All we can do is look at the evidence, and objectively determine if we think it's plausible.  If it is, we as a nation need to react.  

    I like how people who don't believe in global warming are so quick to say the PhD scientists don't know what they're talking about.  Sometime I wonder if they've even graduated High School yet.

  4. i dont really know but i just bought a 5.7 liter diesel excursion with real polar bear interior i love it

  5. I guess you're not heavily into sciencific method or facts or massive amounts of overwhelming data.  What a shame.  Global warming information is not hiding from you.  It's readily available from thousands of scientific sources from all the major university studies and scientific journals.  The only folks that deny it are the fringe conservatives / religious zeolots and trailor trash imbeciles that believe they have been placed on this planet to do with the environment as they please, regardless of consequences.

    Just look at the data - no need for great stress or panic - but dealing with global issues would be a good idea for those of us who care about our children and children's children.

  6. Politicians use the global warming myth in order to justify higher taxes. The more taxes governments control, the more power politicians have. Most politicians could earn more money in the private sector, so what drives them to run for political office? POWER. They can control vast parts of a country, and the more money they get through taxes, the more power they have. Imagine if you could pass laws which allowed you to control billions of dollars (actually trillions). They have that power.

    Also, there are a large amount of AGW promoters who are vehemently anti USA and anti capitalist. Many are throwbacks to the socialist/communist movements. AGW is a perfect tool as it allows them to justify reducing industry and the free market. Go to any Global Warming rally, and ask where you can find socialist/communist information. There will be a booth set up for it.

  7. When Polar Bears have been declared a disappearing species, I think that's proof that there is something very unsettling going on.  When plants that never grew in certain zones are now sprouting without any problem that's a wakeup call.  When the air quality becomes dangerous for children and the elderly that's frightening.  When bees are dying by the millions that's unheard of.  What more needs to be proven?

  8. No scientific theory can be proven.  Evolution hasn't been 'proven' either, but it's obviously right.  Man-made global warming is also obviously right, and it's putting us in an extremely dangerous situation which only political action can solve.  That's why it's a political issue.

  9. It has been proven dear.refer to answers of a current question: "numbers proving global waarning" or something like that

  10. It is being used as a fear tactic for candidates to get your vote.

  11. because nothing of a scientific nature like this can be proved, heck gravity is technically still a theory, but we all accept it as fact

    Global warming, despite not being "proven" is now common knowledge and enough is known so that even our pennypinching politicians think its time to do something to curb it.

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