
Why is global warming happening in canada and all over the world?

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a detailed explanation would be helpful. thank you




  1. This happens naturally sometimes, but its getting worse because of pollution and greenhouse gases. Work to save the Earth.

  2. It's not.

    Where in the frozen north is this happening ?  If its cold in Michigan, its cold in Canada.

  3. This is kind of a follow up to BB's answer.

    please read this article...

    He's right, the global trend in warming and cooling is natural, along with this trend in a bit of warming.  The supposedly 2x amount of CO2 that we pump into the atmosphere is literally a tiny scrape on the arm -- barely if at all a problem.  Also, if you want to get both sides of the story for "An Inconvienent Truth" then please read the first chapter of "An Inconvienent Book" by Glenn Beck... also worth the money.

    Now.. here's my disclaimer, I do not deny the fact that humans have had an affect on this trend, but at most.. we made the scuff into the scrape it supposedly is.

  4. the pollution.. smoke.... you know.. destroying our SHIELD against the sun..... and when the shield is gone its gonna be HOT AS h**l and we are gonna burn.. ouch

  5. because of all of the pollution us humans have caused over the centuries..

  6. The Earth has warmed..... and cooled in natural cycles for millenia.  Sorry, but that's the way it is.

    Furthermore, until the surface monitoring stations are replaced, it is impossible to know to what extent the Earth is warming.... IF in fact it actually is.

    The Global Warming Club has been using flawed temperature data for its climate studies for years.

    You cannot have real science when the data is flawed!

  7. seriously watch ale gore's movie "the inconvenient truth" and you'll know why. its very detailed and its worth your money.

    and to all those who don't believe in global warming, i live in Canada, usually in the summer the average temp is 25 degrees Celsius, but now the average summer temp for the past few years has risen to 32 degrees Celsius, not Fahrenheit. plus we barely got any rain last year, so global warming definetly is an important issue, not whats gonna happen to the economy if we go green and stop using oil, whats more valuable, our lives, or oil and money? i'll let you guys think that out

    anyways, yea watch "the inconvenient truth".

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