
Why is global warming not in the political section?

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Why is global warming not in the political section?




  1. The same reason astronomy isn't in the politics section.  Ecology and climatology are sciences based on facts, not opinions.

  2. Because it's scientific fact.

    These guys all say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Study the science, not the right wing blogs.  Global warming is scientific fact.

    EDIT - And not all politicians are in denial:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    “With overwhelming scientific evidence that global warming is adversely impacting the health of our planet, the time has come for the Congress to take action.”

    Senator Olympia Snowe, Republican, Maine

    "I'm trying to learn [about greenhouse gases and global warming]. The more I learn, the bigger believer I become."

    Senator Lindsay Graham, Republican, South Carolina

    "Our nation has both an obligation and self-interest in facing head-on the serious environmental, economic and national security threat posed by global warming."

    John McCain, Republican, Senator, Arizona

    EDIT - These were just TOO good:

    "You think that science isn't for sale and that scientists are not after grant money? Come on! Who in their right mind would say don't pay me. This has become the opportunity of a lifetime for many of these scientists. That is the sole reason why this theory, out of all of the millions of other theories, "has been proven beyond debate," and all the other jargon these nutbags use."

    Very few of the members of the National Academy of Sciences ("nutbags" who are 1800 of the very best scientists in the country, elected by their peers), and essentially none of the members of the American Chemical Society or the American Institute of Physics, receive funding for global warming.

    "However, I got a way for you to prove global warming. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, right? As it heats up in the daytime to a certain temperature, yet it cools down at night. Greenhouse gases prevent it from cooling down as much. Can you show me..."

    Yes, I can.  There HAS been a significant decrease in diurnal (day/night) temperature difference, more proof that global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    So. given these facts, I assume you'll change your position?

    By the way, calling the best scientists in the country "nutbags" does not enhance your credibility.

  3. What the activists are doing is not science - it is political activism.  

    Activists like Bob have no interested in the reality of global warming.  Bob's found one graph from one weather station that shows a decrease in diurnal temperature range.  It's not surprising that there is at least one but if you investigate a bit more thoroughly you will find there are as many that show an increase as a decrease.  

    I notice that Dana has posted a few hundred times that while some studies show an increase in diurnal temperature range, others show the diurnal temperature range has not changed, but according to him, a change or no change still proves AGW (using Dana logic).


  5. It's true, it should. For that's one of the reasons we gonna have a problem w it. The word is there but no real efficient action. Add it also to the religious, social, psichological, economical sections, it's a multiangle issue!

  6. Count Bleck, I don't know whether you believe in the whole "global warming" hoax or not but I'll give you this. Your question is one of the very best I've ever seen in all of Yahoo Answers!

    The "political section" is precisely where this subject belongs because "global warming" was created--and is championed by--the radical Left (and anyone else dumb enough to buy into it regardless of their political affiliations) as an instrument to further the global leftist agenda.

    So, even if you buy into this c**p, I salute the sheer genius of your question, sir!

  7. Why isn't it in the science section?  Not that it would keep the fascists out...

  8. It is sad to say but "our" politicians are all in denial that global warming is in fact a real issue that should be and needs to be addressed.

  9. Bob, you need to just stop.... You think that science isn't for sale and that scientists are not after grant money? Come on! Who in their right mind would say don't pay me. This has become the opportunity of a lifetime for many of these scientists. That is the sole reason why this theory, out of all of the millions of other theories, "has been proven beyond debate," and all the other jargon these nutbags use.

    Just watch and mark my words. I am predicting that within five years, these IPCC alarmists will be so far debunked, that they will have already made up another entirely different scenario, simply to take the attention away from this farce.

    However, I got a way for you to prove global warming. CO2 is a greenhouse gas, right? As it heats up in the daytime to a certain temperature, yet it cools down at night. Greenhouse gases prevent it from cooling down as much. Can you show me where in the 1930's that due to the lack of greenhouse gases, the temperature difference was, let's say fifty degrees, versus today being only a 20 degree difference because of greenhouse gases? Could you do that?

    I mean the only tangible proof would be something obvious like that. Seriously, we have had hurricanes, tornados, flooding and fires throughout our history, yet for some reason, we are supposed to believe that today's storms are 'different.' Come on!!! You can't paint naive over plain dumb and put a nice little bow on it and expect us to eat it all up.

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