
Why is government h**l bent on destroying Private Education?

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Question previously posted was for UK. In UK Public Schools are Private Institutions, in most cases boarding in nature.

I may add that the politics of envy are playing a big part in destroying the middle and upper classes here.




  1. This has been going on since as early as 1984. My son was worried that his school was going to close because he kept hearing about this on the news.

    The standard of education in this country is poor and getting worse.  A lot of parents are rightly worried and struggle to pay for private education.  You are quite right to say that it is the politics of envy.  Some of us consider it important that our children are able to speak correctly and to spell.

    Well said Yarx, you have just said everything I was too lazy to type.

  2. The govenment maintains the Public School System for various reasons-----To indoctrinate the youth---to keep states dependent on the Federal government in this case the Dept. of Education(which should be eliminated yesterday)---their control is almost total on education even to curricula....Each state needs to divorce their selves from Federal help and use the Taxes they receive that are earmarked for education to institute a viable Voucher Program----based in part on the one in UTAH. At that point the State and locals could make their own rules as to how the schools were administered---of course within the law of Brown v. Board of Education.

  3. there are some wonderful state schools in this country, but there will always be people who wish to educate their children privately. these choices are the luxury of the better off.

               And of course they want the best for their children, who doesent. The better educated ,as a rule, are masters of industry, medicine, law, government leaders, its the same the world over, and unlikely to change, perhaps the state system might aspire to better things, if all parents had to sign a contract with their childs school, one of co operation and respect,and gratitude.

  4. In my opinion, the rot set in many years ago when Labour decided to destroy the grammar school system. Many will call it harsh to separate children out at 11, however, it meant that the academically-able poor had at least the chance of a good academic education.

    Now, with the comprehensive system, which to be honest tends to cater for the lowest common denominator, the only way for people to get a grammar-style education (except in a very few areas) is to send their children privately.

    Some people complain that this makes private schools the preserve of the rich. However in fact there are large numbers of people on modest incomes who scrimp and save to send their children private - in fact there are people I know who literally suffer in order to afford the fees. This is crazy, and is why I believe they should restore the grammar system in some modern form.

  5. Academic freedom must be encouraged wherein the private education system must be free to operate and government must not destroy it to improve education for the youth.

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