
Why is greg norman in the british/ the open?

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I was looking on the leaboard online, and it said his name, hes like fourth? is it the real greg norman?




  1. Just like everyone said, he's won it before so he's still eligible. I was watching him and he looked great!

  2. As a past champion of the event, Greg Norman is eligible to play.

  3. Yes ! It was THE Great White Shark indeed.It was nice seeing the past champion playing in one of golf's oldest,traditional tournaments.He is in good shape to enjoy the game.

  4. Norman qualifies under rule 3: Past Open Champions aged 60 or under on 20 July 2008

    He's 53, so he'll continue to be eligible for the next seven years.

  5. It's the "real" Greg Norman. But remember, this is a four-day tournament AND Greg is 53 years old AND it's the British Open .

    Keep checking the leaderboard all weekend. If he's in the top 10 on Sunday, then it will be amazing.

  6. Old Greggy just finished even par after the first day and is one out of the lead....thats why he's in the open. Let's see if he can pull a top ten out!

  7. He won before so he's eligible to play if he wants to...yes, it is the real Greg Norman...

  8. He won it twice, why shouldn't he play there? And I believe he is one stroke off the lead at even par, about NINE strokes ahead of Mickelson.

  9. he may plat if he desres to the year, 2014. after that , if vif wins 2013 open . he may very well play till the year 2018 . at this time.08.10 am pacfic he is one shot off the lead. he may just well qualify dor next years oen . on merit alone . if he continues to play  with adam scott . might be worth a few bob on scott . 53 year old golfers should not do what he is doing . it huerts to watch . his course management , this round . great . the only sad part , he flew. i was hoping he brought his yaught . perfect intro to telecast a 10 minute tour of this floating hotel .

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