
Why is having a baby so stressful for a mother?

by  |  earlier

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seriously what skills do you really have to have I thought it came natural, and money baby's are so expensive but it's not like I cant afford to provide for them it gets hard sometimes but I've managed to get through it, but most of all, time commitment. I swore I had commitment why is my exes girlfriend telling people I'm unfit. Can she prove that? What do I need to do to prove I'm not unfit?




  1. In most cases with a single mother, the law presumes you to be fit unless someone can prove otherwise. Lack of parenting experience does not make you unfit. You can only be proven unfit if you are drinking and drugging instead of caring for your child, can't hold down a job (and are not going to school either) to support him/her, or allowing the child to be abused or abuse him/her yourself. Your ex's gf is probably telling people you are unfit because she would like you to be. She probably thinks it would be cheaper for them to have the child than for your ex to pay child support and she is probably threatened by the possibility your ex may want to be a part of your child's life because that means he will be in contact with you. Unless you are doing the things I mentioned,you have nothing to worry about. She can make allegations until she is blue in the face and unless they are proven you will not be deemed unfit. I would however send her a certified receipt requested letter telling her to cease and desist slandering you(use those words;they are legal terms and send copy to an attorney and keep copy for yourself) If she keeps up the c**p you can sue her and it will boost up your case if she tries to turn you in to the local social services because you can pull it out and say this person has been harrassing and slandering me and you will be more credible with a paper trail. Good luck

  2. don't care what other people think and care about the baby  

  3. 1.they hav 2 skip work 2 take kare of it

    2.u hav 2 ceen up its barf and p**p

    3.spend mor $$$ on it screms all night long

    im a father i woold kno

  4. Being a mother does not always come naturally. There are things that need to be learned like how to discipline and raise a child right. How to make a child feel loved but at the same time, make them understand that they need to listen to you. You would think that changing a diaper when it is wet would be a natural reaction but I know of one women who let her baby sit in soiled diapers until they leaked. (That was how she knew they were full)

      As for how to prove you are not an "unfit mother", the only way you can do that is to provide for your child as best you can. Make sure it has food and it's diaper is changed regularly. If they are older children, you need to teach them things. Teach them how to be responsible and what is right and wrong. Above all things you need to love them.

        When protective services comes to the house, all they do is make sure the child has a bed, clothes and food. Not having these things or leaving bruises on the child would make you unfit. Most other things are just personal differences in how to raise a child.

  5. Look being a parent isn't easy.As a parent myself I know that I'm doing everything in my power to raise a happy home. If you are too then you have nothing to prove to anyone but your kids(that would be that they would never ask for another mother).  

  6. try to be a bit more logical. It is not really natural at all to take on the entire responsibility of another being's life 24/7....its is exhausting and requires a lot of self control and self sacrifice. If the kids are miserable and poorly behaved, she can beging a case to say you are unfit, whether or not its true. That doesn't make her a better mother though.

  7. You don't have to prove anything to them.  Just keep striving to do your best. That includes watching Supernanny and Dr. Phil for great advice.  They're online too. Try to avoid the ex and his girlfriend like the plaque, and when you are around them always act civil.  Especially if the baby is there too.

  8. You really just cant care about what other mothers think about your parenting skills. Not everyone is going to agree with how you raise your baby. I know it's annoying, my mother is always on my case, but I know I'm a good mother and I do everything I can for my son. In order for her to prove that you're unfit, she would have to have evidence that you're not feeding, bathing, changing diapers, etc. You would KNOW if you weren't a good mother, or at least I'd hope you would. Just do the best you can. But yeah I agree that commitment was the hardest thing for me to adjust to. No longer can I go out with my friends every weekend, or just up and go to the mall on a random day. Now all I do is sit at home with my baby or take him to the park or do "baby things".  I'm not complaining though, I actually enjoy myself :). As long as you're providing your baby with what he/she needs and giving him love and attention, then you're good.

  9. Ingore the byatch. What say does she have in how you raise your children? She's just jealous of you for being a mother.

    If you don't want to be an unfit mother however, love your children. Give them guidance when they need help. Comfort them when they are hurt. Be there for them when they really need you...I think most of this will come naturally to you. Because no mother wants to see their child hurt.

    Again, ingore hte byatch.

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