
Why is having a driver license in the US a privilege?

by Guest60082  |  earlier

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Is feeding the oil companies a privilege? Is paying gas taxes a privilege? The state is privilage for having people consuming and helping the economy. Take all the "privilege" from the people (drivers) and see who spends a penny. The economy would go down. Who has really the privilage? Did the state build the car or the people? VOLKSwagen. Volks means people in German. So it was made by the people, taken by a few people (government) and in return we get a grant certificate of privilage!!! Wow, thank you every much. How nice of you...




  1. If everything was our "right," than we would never want. We'd have the ability and the opportunity to do whatever we wanted. You know what that's called? Anarchy.

    Oh, you can buy a car. You don't need permission to do that, just good credit. However, b/c it involves the lives of others, the ability to operate that vehicle is a privilege, one you must earn through rigorous courses and a driving test. Keep in mind, like other privileges, if you disobey the rules in place, you will lose it.

  2. Because our Supreme Court hasn't found this "right" in the Constitution yet.  Give them time. We now have enough illegal residents that it should become a right any day now!

  3. privilege be damned.    it is a tax pure and simple.  not to mention another way to keep track of the people  

    mr  doodles

  4. do you think the roads and traffic laws just appeared out of thin air one day

    because driving is a skill you must show a proficiency at before you will be allowed to do it legally

    perhaps you should move to South Korea and you might begin to understand why its a privilege

  5. Driving is a privilege extended to those who can prove they can do so without endangering the public.  Thus, the state can require people to pass drivers' exams, and thus restrict who gets drivers licenses.  Furthermore, it can suspend the privilege those who act foolishly and endanger the general welfare of the public.  As to the rest of your rant about who would buy the gas and oil, etc., those are by-products and not the primary concern of the government.

  6. for public safety, we all need to know that you will comply with a few basic rules while driving. Don't speed, be sober, try not to kill anyone, can physically control a car, know the law....if you can do those, you can spend all your money on a car, gas and insurance. Unless I'm supposed to pay the costs for you  too, it makes it an option not a right.

  7. Driving is a privilege because not everyone can be allowed to drive. Blind people and 4 year old children can';t be allowed to drive. Driving a car assumes you are a responsible adult. You have studied traffic laws and understand them. You have agreed not to violate any traffic laws but you will so everyone has to pay more taxes so you can drive your car badly. The tax on gasoline and tires only covers road repairs and aren't the privileged drivers the first to gripe about potholes that they created?

    You think America is tough, try getting a driving per mitt in Germany?

    At what point did you feel driving was a constitutional right? If you were that good of a driver you wouldn't have started this ridiculous line. If you have feet, walk. If you have change, take a bus. If you don't like the driving laws, then stop driving. It is a privilege and a responsibility because you only have to mess up one time to kill everyone on a school bus.

    There are lots of ways to get where you need to go without driving, and that is your right to travel freely within the US.

    As a taxpayer that has paid for taxes to hire police to watch your ilk abuse the privilege, your FREAKING WELCOME!

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