this guy that i have already gotten over. still seems to act awkwardly around me. he used to always hum in a sing song kind of way, and never once talk to me and he always avoids me.
and he always seems to occupy himself when around me because he is too afraid to talk to me. even in the way he dresses. he dresses up when talking to other people etc. and looks good lol. yet when i saw him back then he would always just wear whatever lol.
i dont know if he copies me by this because i dont dress up that much but i do when i want to. sometimes i feel as though he copies me like he copies the way i act, the way i talk etc. wants things that i own etc.
its funny though because of the tension held between us and the time apart we have had. he has started to act alot differently. recently i see him actually looking his best and not a dang, but i could just be reading into too much.
he still has that habit of 'being occupied' when im around though. and no eye contact.