
Why is he ignoring me on myspace and not returning my calls rather than just say he doesnt want to be friends

by  |  earlier

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I was friends and casual "romantic buddies" with someone until they got put into foster care 2 months ago by the court. He's 17.

Now he ignores my e-mails (doesnt even open them up to read them on myspace) even though he still has me as a friend on myspace. He hasnt deleted me from his friends list so I can still read everything on his "private" myspace page.

To be honest, I feel very hurt by all this.

I dont know what to make of it.

Today he posted a bulletin on his myspace page saying he was "free for the day because his new foster mom let him leave the house" so "hit him up" if you want to hang out.

I guess this means our friendship is over?




  1. Well first off casual or romantic buddies or just a friendly **** whatever you may call it. Baby it seems as if you are young got a big life ahead of you. One young man isn't going to stop your life or anybody else life. If you and him had an understanding of being casual or romantic buddies or whatever and never really talked about being together. Then don't take this the wrong way but that is all it was. Now I am not saying he don't need to talk to you are ignore your e-mails that is wrong. But you might hear this all the time boys are going to be boys and man are going to be man. And another thing  you have to see it from his point also. He just went into foster care  about what two month's ago. So give him some time to himself and his home boys. But this is the big red flag though. NOT trying to sound rude but if he posted a bulletin on his page and he isn't responding to you then that should tell you something. My question to you is? Did you ever try to make it out to be more than what it actually was a casual romantic buddies? Because if you did and he didn't want more than what it already is than you might have scared him off a little. But keep on sending him emails but if he don't reply then leave it alone he will talk to you eventually. You seem young don't get stuck on one guy and pass up other options.Been there done that speaking from experience. Kisses:)

  2. As much as it hurts to have someone not want you as you want them, facing it is the key. The longer you linger on about why, the harder it is on you. Always leave yourself open when you make contact with someone to  reciprocate. IF they dont, move on and let it go in your mind and your heart.  If it is meant, it will return. Your making yourself learn the hard way. This is very detrimental to you. The first answer was short and sweet and very precise. If they want to contact you, they will. Be strong and take it out of your mind. Make new friends, you ll see how much more worth your time they are.

    [You know at young ages most people do not want that kind of closeness with someone. He may just be feeling trapped. Let him breathe and maybe one day he will return. It all depends on the situation.]

    Good Luck and dont sweat it!

  3. open a new account (keep your old one, just use a different email address and a diff. pic) and try to talk to him that way. at first, dont tell him who you are.  then if he responds, tell him.  and then if he doesnt answer you back, just means he's immature.

  4. Because he's ignoring you, he's probably not sure how to tell you that he no longer wants to maintain contact with you without hurting your feelings. He's hoping you get the hint, which you should have by now. If he's not even reading your emails, then there's no point in asking what's going on.

    Stop torturing yourself and remove him from your myspace. If he truly wants to talk to you, then he will find you.

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