
Why is hillary a compulsive liar?

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Why is hillary a compulsive liar?




  1. Because she's trying to become president.

  2. why do you feel the need to bash her over the internet??  instead of doing the intellegent thing and just not vote for her

  3. It's something that she picked up from Billy Boy!

  4. Maybe she's the one who taught good ol' Billy.  LoL

  5. Why do you think she is?

  6. JAMES:

    This reminds me of a song, ( The Girl Can't Help It ) she is only part

    of a group called = CONGESS

  7. All politicians "lie" buddy, including Obama, who I'm guessing that you are voting for.

  8. Cause her last name is CLINTON!

  9. Why are you so hateful and filled with invective?

  10. Who knows really. Do you know a politician who isn't???

  11. Because the Spirit of God is not in her.

  12. all part of the clinton "win at any cost" game plan.

    if telling the truth is inconvenient, or won't get enough votes, then lie.  billary lied at least 3 times about the bosnian "snipers" who were threatening to mow her down their flowers and poems.  when she's called out on the lie, she just misspoke bc she's tired. do we want her answering that phone at 3 am then?

    if the primary rules agreed upon by all candidates won't win you the nomination, then let's change the rules. who cares who doesn't like it!

    billary for president....of bosnia

  13. Don't you know, that is a requirement to be president.

    That is why it so hard for Ron Paul to make it, but He is gaining ground.

  14. She isn't a compulsive liar.

    Her lies are politically calculated, not compulsive, which would imply she has no control of them.

    Everything that comes out of her mouth has been carefully vetted by her handlers, you can be sure of that.

    edit: Dinger, how could he be gaining ground?  McCain already has the delegates he needs to get the nomination, and Paul has said he won't run as a third-party candidate.

  15. She's not.  Compulsive liars don't make good politicans, because they aren't calculated enough in how they lie.

  16. Because she is a politician and that is what they do. IT is the one qualification you need to excel at to become a politician.

  17. because she can't tell the truth, and if she did nobody would vote for her as president. so she lies her way out of it. i like her husband better, he wasn't a liar, i bet she got these habbits from her parents. poor bill clinton

  18. she lies to stay in practice, so it comes naturally after a while.

  19. Well I suppose this question could go for Obama too.  Because his parents DID NOT get together at or because of the Selma civil rights marches.  Now did they.  

    Please hold your sniper fire.

  20. HMMMM.. i wonder who writes her speeches?...

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