
Why is hillary spending all of her energy on attacking obama instead of her own plan for the country?

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i never liked her. she seems to have no morals. it bugs me that she constantly attacks obama. why doesn't she have any of her own ideas and energy. Obama is positive and therefore shines. she has been so unfair to him




  1. i totally agree with u

    in da morning shows all she does is talk about obama

  2. Obama may be positive, but he does have something in common with Hillary, he hasn't really outlined a plan for the country either.  Not that I've seen anyway.  "Change" and "hope" won't get much done without  plan.

  3. because she's a loser and has nothing better to do than to hopefully quit the race.  the way i look at it is, she feels if she keeps attacking him it will take the attention of all her mishaps away=D

  4. BEcause, she wants to attack him and sway the more easily moved voters over to her side, not like it really matters though.

  5. She's trying to stop his momentum and claw her way back in to the race.

    Obama 2008

  6. LILLY 4 BIG THUMBS UP..... Princess there is far more to

    being a President than Positive and therefore he shines.

    If that is your criteria for voting for Obama,  then a lot of

    American Soldiers gave there lives to keep our process

    in tact for you to vote for someone because they were

    positive, Adults vote for a candidate, for reasons other

    than he is positive,, Why they even focus on voting records.

    Position on issues, and what the candidates past history

    has been on issues that matter to them. Now I can tell

    your not a Poli Sci major, for you attache yourself to someone

    who tells you what you want to hear,, and not what you need

    to hear. I can almost see Obama standing in front of a large

    group of idealist and budding socialist, going , OMG he said

    CHANGE and He's SO Positive,,  Do you not see how shallow this is.

    Please before you vote for any candidate, look at there voting

    record,, See where they line up on policy issues and platforms. Then vote your heart,, not because he shines , but

    because they are qualified.,

  7. because when you are behind in a contest..negative ads work better

  8. Agree that nothing has been said about either their plans on Global Warming,poverty, and  Big Box Stores, Corporations.

    The attack could be a joint one comprised of both parties to reduce discontent. The money which people spend in stores could be put to use to provide food free of charge inside the stores so everyone can get what they require. The question people could ask is would it make more sense to have a system in which people pay at the checkout than  it would to have already have done so by paying The Government to supply the food. This would reduce an unecessary expenditure of money.   One might not favour it so Hillary and Obama could put aside differences to see about this possibility.

  9. Hillary Diane Rodham already had covered a great deal of ideological territory when she sat down to assess Alinsky's tactics.

    In her senior year, she was campaigning for the anti-war Democrat Eugene McCarthy. She also protested with other violent protestors, and was close with the Black Panthers.

    Saul David Alinsky would have thought that tame stuff. The old Jewish radical was famous as a community organizer from Chicago's Back of the Yards, the home of stockyard workers made famous by Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle." From the late 1930s until his death in 1972, Alinsky crisscrossed the country, stirring the have-nots — poor whites and blacks — to demand power from the haves.

    But Alinsky was no mere showman. He was a sometimes brutal seeker of power for others, schooling radicals with maxims such as "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it."

    In Hillary's paper, she accepted Alinsky's view that the problem of the poor isn't so much a lack of money as it was for Alinsky's need for power, as well as his view of federal anti-poverty programs as ineffective. (To Alinsky, the War on Poverty was a “prize piece of political pornography,” even though some of its funds flowed through his organizations.) “A cycle of dependency has been created,” she wrote, “which ensnares its victims into resignation and apathy,and totally controlable.”

    In 1969, Alinsky was developing an institute in Chicago at his Industrial Areas Foundation, aimed at training organizers to galvanize a surprising target: the middle class. That was the job he offered to Hillary Rodham.

    In spite of his being featured in the Sunday New York Times," she wrote of Alinsky, "and living a comfortable, expenses-paid life, he considers himself a revolutionary. In a very important way he is. If the ideals Alinsky espouses were actualized, the result would be a socialism revolution. Ironically, this is not a disjunctive projection if considered in the tradition of Western democratic theory. In the first chapter it was pointed out that Alinsky is regarded by many as the proponent of a dangerous socio/political philosophy.

    A decade later, another political science major started out on the path that Hillary Rodham had taken , going to work for a group in the Alinsky mold. That was Barack Obama, now a U.S. senator from Illinois and her leading opponent for the Democratic nomination. After attending Columbia University, he worked as an organizer on the South Side of Chicago for the Developing Communities Project. Obama and others of the post-Alinsky generation described their work in the 1990 book “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois,” in which Obama wrote that he longed for ways to close the gap between community organizing and national politics. After three years of organizing, he turned to Harvard Law School and then the Illinois legislature.

    It is no wonder Hillary and Obama are really so much alike, they both studied the same Alinsky tactics.  Dangerous socio/political philosophy.

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