
Why is hillary still in the race?

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Why is hillary still in the race?




  1. Because she is .....wait for it........ahead!

  2. She's In It To Win It.

  3. Same reason she got into it in the first place. Unbridled ambition and unchecked arrogance.

  4. she will answer that question for you after she wins texas, ohio and pennsylvania.

  5. May it is time up for her. Before long she may concede and wind all up.

  6. because the POLLs still say so.

  7. If you were her, you wouldn't even think about dropping out. She and Obama are nearly tied in delegates. She hasn't won a contest in awhile, but she's optimistic about some of the later primaries.

  8. I am not a Hillary fan, but your question makes no sense. She is virtually tied with Obama.

  9. Because she can help this country to it prosperious of the 90's ( Bill Clinton's term)

    Salery was high, we have the biggest surplus, gas price was 99 cents, 90% of the tax cut money did not benefit the top 1%, with Bush he double the deficit 9 trillions,

    What have Obama accomplish beside being an excellent speaker?

    Obama father is an extreme Muslim, so is his step-father.

    With Obama change I am scare of higher tax and he would have more program to benifit the lazy amd more welfare.

    The better question was why are 96% of African American support Obama blindly ?

    What have Obama accomplish beside the 100 "present vote" ?

  10. Shes not a Huckabee, shes within margin of error in most of the remaining races and those are in bigger states with more delegates.

    Its a close race, either of them would never think of leaving.

    They both have their egos.

  11. I don't know she is the worst of all the candidates next too Obama who is a liar and a raceist.  To check on this you can go to his churches web site at Treiniy Christian and you will see that he has lied about his beliefs in order too be elected.  His church does not admit Whites or Hispanics despite his speaches about being the candidate for all races.  His church also favors Africans over Americans and openly says so on the site.

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