
Why is hitting kids at school wrong?

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Why is hitting kids at school wrong?




  1. because kids have the right to go to school without getting hurt

  2. it is known as child abuse and severely damaging kids

  3. Teachers hitting kids who misbehave? Or kids hitting other kids?

    Not that it matters - hitting isn't right and doesn't solve anything!

  4. The distinction on whether that is right or wrong varies completely based on jurisdiction.

  5. Because violence is never the answer.

    Spanked kids grow up with a spanking fetish.

  6. Because sometimes it causes other kids to hate you (or whoever did the hitting).  And it could come back in a year to really haunt you.  Also, hitting hurts.

  7. Why do you think?? Do you like being hit?? Do you like being hurt???

  8. well its because you could get in trouble and you might go to the principal and also could cause severe damage and will be hurting the kid for a long time

  9. Hitting others is always wrong.  It is not a civilized way to communicate with anyone about anything.

  10. i dont know about hitting in school being wrong... its like its better than any other punishment... it usually disciplines the receiver of the punishment...

  11. I hope someone kicks your ** AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT

  12. I would lose my job if I so much as mildly swiped a child.  Physical contact between staff and students in British schools is illegal unless it can be shown to have arisen out of exceptional circumstances.  Hitting children in schools was, however perfectly legal in Private and Public (though not State) schools when I was a boy and my history Master used to think nothing of slamming a bible against our heads or swiping us with a metre rule, and one of my English Masters used to take great pleasure in flicking his cigarette ash all over us and breathing his cigarette smoke in our faces.  It never did me any harm but then I am a bit nuts.

  13. i have no clue i thinks kids who hit kids is fine and teachers hitting kids who misbehave is OK also

  14. If you mean teachers hitting kids, it is because that is not part of their role and is not appropriate. All it leads to is kids hating that teacher and lawsuits by the parents.

    If you mean one kid hitting another, well that causes all kinds of problems. It can lead to detetion, suspension, expulsion or a comination of the three. Also it can damage your rep. Depending on the school, kids may look at you as some crazy person who has to hit people to make yourself feel better. It can lead to getting grounded at home. It can lead to your parents getting sued. I have known it to even lead to another kid dying and the guilty party going to jail.

    Hitting is not a solution. The only time I would say it's okay to hit is if you are doing so to defend against someone who is hitting you. Then it is understandable just notthe best idea still.

  15. If anyone EVER hit my kids - There will be BIGGGG problems. Teachers are not the parent - they are simply there to teach our children facts and help them learn, not spank them when they are misbehaving, that is the parents job only!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big pet peeve of mine.

  16. violence is not the answer for kids, because kids learn that violence solves many things and use it in the future which will corrupt the society today even though it already is halfway.

  17. I personally don't think its wrong if its necessary. If they hit them for not listening then the deserve it, but if they don't then I can understand why it would be wrong. I guess everyone's opinion is different.

  18. because I don't teach my children to hit anyone unless they have to defend theirselves.  I would never give anyone permission to hit my children and if they laid a hand on my child they would be very sorry when I show up at school

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