
Why is homeopathy and ayurvedic the best medcine than alopathy ? ? ?

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Why is homeopathy and ayurvedic the best medcine than alopathy ? ? ?




  1. I don't know enough about Ayurvedic medicine to answer that part.

    There are some important points where you can say that Homeopathy is "better" than allopathic medicine (school medicine).

    - Homeopathy can do something against viruses, because "likes cure likes" and a homeopathic virus will cure any disease caused by the same virus. Allopathy cannot do anything against viruses - not even the common cold. This is well known.

    - Allopathic medicine is doing more harm than good with vaccinations for example, where mercury and aluminium are injected into your body with the vaccine and ultimately contribute to serious diseases like MS, Alzheimer, Parkinson's etc. Allopathic medicine cannot do anything to remove those metals once introduced in your body.

    Homeopathic vaccines do not have this dangerous effect. Moreover, you can with homeopathic mercury (++ other substances) remove the dangerous metals from your body - do not try to do this without supervision - ever!!!

    You can also eliminate the negative effects of vaccines with urine isotropy which is a homeopathic remedy. You can do this even many years after the injection of the vaccine, as an adult.

    Allopathy on the other hand, can never eliminate any negative effect of vaccinations.

    - Homeopathy is tailored to the needs of the client (if the homeopath is good and if the client doesn't self-medicate). Allopathic doctors can't be bothered to ask the right questions to give the exact medication needed for that particular client, and the pharmaceutics necessary to tailor the cure to the client don't even exist.

    - Homeopathics do not have any side effects, (but are not harmless. You do need to know how to use them).

    Pharmaceutics used by allopathic doctors all have side effects, some of them really negative.

    Those are a few points in favour of homeopathy. There are more which I don't think of right now.

    Wishing you all the best!

  2. western medicine is great in emergencies, other than that, alternative medicine  (not all of it) is best in other conditions in my experience, because it looks at the whole body as an integrated connected whole instead of isolating one part from the other

    a liver problem can stem from thousands of causes among which emotional causes, imbalance in the elements, the energies,  a  raised scar on the liver meridian can cause liver problems as well

    a couple of books on energy medicine and why it works are energy medicine:the scientific basis by James Oschman and his updated book, energy medicine in therapeutics and human performance

  3. Don't Believe like, These all different medical science working with different System, we can't say one is better than other.all are its own + v and -v signs, how help mankind by Louie past er through invent rabies vaccine(alopathy)

  4. It isn't. Allopathy cures cancer. Homeopathy is quackery and ayurvedic is out dated.

    If clinical trials show something works, it is then incorporated into allopathic medicines. Allopathic medicine is always incrementally improving, while the junk-medicines are not.

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