
Why is hunting animals for sport or government testing legal but other forms of animal abuse is not?

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First let me say that i believe that all forms of animal abuse including in home abuse, dog fighting, government and laboratory animal testing, hunting for sport, dog racing, horse racing etc. should be illegal. i believe that horse racing also is abuse also because the animals are run into the ground and then sold for meat or shot after they have been used for our entertainment. I think that all of this should be illegal. But it seems to be that it depends on who is abusing the animals as to weather its illegal or not.




  1. b/c hunting has been in human nature loog b4 the wheel was even invented, and since u don't apoove of testing things on animals why dont you let them test new things on you, or perhaps someone in your family comes down with a dieseas, you can bet that if the cure was found, it was tested on animals b4 tested on humans.

  2. Please remember that more conservation and preservation of wildlife has been accomplished by Hunters and other Sportsmen's groups like 'Ducks Unlimited' than by all the government agencies, PETAS & Greenpeaces and Nancy Pelosis combined.

    I eat every animal I kill. Do you eat meat? Don't you think it is more humane to let the animal live in the wild and take it when it is mature compared to the miserable life of captivity cows and chickens have inour modern agricultural system....

    Lets make meat illegal too!!!!

  3. Don't ask me , I think it all should be legal. They are just animals.

  4. Hunting is done in the most humane way possible and lets face it they just taste so good with a little gravy.

  5. The question is about what qualifies as abuse and what does not.  I recognize you believe the using an animal is abuse.  Legally it is not seen that way.

    It is not about who is using the animals but about what they are being used for.  Because animals are useful (pets, scientific testing, food, entertainment, etc.) society has adopted rules for these uses.  In general, you cannot mistreat animals in today's society although resources to prevent this are scarce.   The notable exception being testing of products intended for human use and food.  

    Whether you agree or not, humans have decided that animal testing is preferable to human testing.  We would much rather kill, maim, hurt animals than people to receive the benefits of such testing.

    As for food, again people have decided that meat is worth more than the lives of animals.  Most agree, a few do not.

    If you are a staunch supporter of animals rights you should think about joining PETA (people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) although you should know that PETA advocates killing animals in shelters for population control.

  6. You are not really asking any question.. you are just looking for someone to agree with you, or promote your own belief.

    I don't agree with you.

    By the way.. a question that is really a "rant" is considered a violation of yahoo.  

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