
Why is iTunes automatically converting my music files?

by  |  earlier

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I inserted a unidentified CD in my computer drive to see what music I had on it. iTunes automatically started and started searching my hard drive for all music and video files, at least I think that's what it did. I never set iTunes as a default player (or even remember installing it).

My concern is it now looks like it is converting files on me. What does that mean? Is it replacing my original MP3 and other formats with it's own format? Will I still be able to use my music files in MP3 players? I don't even have an iPod nor any need for iTunes. I'm not sure how it got installed and took control. :-(

Any tips would greatly be appreciated.




  1. Well it doesnt modify your original files at all. it just converts it for ipod it doesnt affect u. amd probably it just searched the cd for the music it had u can disable that on the itunes menu..just go to edit>preferences>advanced>importing and select what u want..

  2. Your Itunes is automatically configured to putting music on your ipod without your decision. When you insert your ipod, on your itunes it brings up -NAMES- Ipod, right? Click on that and it will have a screen that should say ur ipod is up to date, etc. Your settings are also on there. I'm not sure if it is under a tab but it will say "Automatically sinc songs onto ipod" with a checked bow next to it. All you have to do is uncheck the box.

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