
Why is iTunes making my files bigger?

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Okay so recently I've noticed that any song I have transfered from any CD becomes an abnormal size 5 MB and higher, when these songs should be 2-5 MB...this has never happened to my CDs before so what should I do? I am positive that it is not the file itself, but iTunes.




  1. it is the file. right click the song and click get info. if u have a wav file it will be a lot more space. you can get a mp3 converter or something like that

  2. check which format and settings for the format that you are importing into.

    MP3 varies quite a bit between 128k and 320k, and AAC varies its file sizes in a similar manner and then there is Apple Lossless compression which makes some rather large files.  

  3. If you were transferring songs from cd and they were between 2-5 megabytes in size in the first place than I must assume that these aren't normal cd's but in fact mp3 cd's as music files on your average audio cd are significantly larger than 2-5 megs because they are not compressed as much. i-tunes has a function where it changes the file format to AAC when it transfers files from cd. Check in preferences whether or not you have this enabled as the conversion process could change the file size.

  4. Itunes makes your music files into mp3 format so your device can read the music file. Its not like a cd disc where you just directly download it on to a disc.

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