
Why is imagination less real than reality?

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if it's all just impulses in the brain?

if we could imagine in extreme detail, every sight and scent and everything, and at the same time saw the real world through hazy eyes (as if you're half asleep) who's to tell which is the real world and which is imaginary?




  1. That's generally called a hallucination...

  2. You must interest in it to be real

  3. Your brain ultimately decides which is reality and everything else follows suite.  Plus it is kinda interesting on how sometime one tends to melt over to the other side for a time.  Just today I woke up still attempting to complete something that I was doing in my dream.  The only thing that stopped me from doing the laundry on my floor at 4 in the morning was the fact that I was just so exhausted.

  4. Imaginations are still thoughts yet to be put into reality.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  5. Act of imagination involves seemng diversion of our

    attention away from our source which is self conscious


    So imagination is not less real but it is nonexistent,nonreal.

  6. Imagination can be reality if focused enough.

  7. please dont try to fly. well its the convincing other people what you imagined is real is the hard part

  8. Only real things show reality

  9. Just because we understand things by using our brain doesn't mean that the only thing that's "real" is what the brain is doing.

    The world works in certain ways. I push a pencil off of my desk, it falls to the floor. This is due to the nature of physical objects.

    Our minds, however, can think outside of these interactions. I can easily imagine knocking a pencil off of my desk, and watching it float to the ceiling or continue rolling in a straight line, even through the walls. In short:  the things that we can imagine are not bound by the nature of physical objects.

    To be real is to exist. To exist is to exist as something; that is, to exist is to have identity. To exist is to have a nature: ways in which the existing object will act in certain conditions.

    So, to be real, the pencil must fall off the desk when pushed off. When I think about a pencil that doesn't fall, I'm not considering a "pencil" anymore. The object is not acting according to its nature. To not act according to its nature, it does not have identity. And if to exist is to exist as something, then this object does not exist. My thoughts of this "pencil' is therefore not as "real" as the pencils that are sitting around me now.

  10. whatever you believe to be true...for as long as you believe it to be true....

  11. Imagination is not less real than "reality!" Even hallucinations are "real."

    This is a problem of Semantics, not Physics/Metaphysics.

  12. Because reality is more than just impulses in the brain; it's out there for everyone to perceive, where imagination can be changed or stopped with a change of your mind.

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