
Why is immigration into the UK still out of control?

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We have a population explosion entirely due to the immigrant birthrate.

Immigration into the UK from non EU countries continues at a staggering rate.

Why is our government sitting on its hands?




  1. We in  the US have the same problem...

  2. Migrationwatch's figures come from government figures that are probably very low and underestimated.

    "I have made this point many times before but can we please stop saying that Migrationwatch forecasts are wrong. I have pointed out before that Migrationwatch assumptions are often below the Government Actuarys Department high migration variant. (29 July 2003)"

    An internal Home Office email they were obliged to release to MigrationWatch

  3. new labours deluded policies & their lack of economic knowledge.

    Dafydd - why is it xenophobic to worry about the falling quality of your life & that of your kids?

    Thumbs up - Get an education - the figures are government ones!!

    A Guardian reader!!!

  4. Because that is how "they" want it. An influx of migrants drives wages down which increases profit. Never mind that it creates problems in housing, education and health provision to name but a few, those who have plenty are unaffected by any of this. It is we average working classes who have to bear the consequences, as stated who are these very grateful migrants going to vote for? Hands up anyone who said the Tory's lol.

    Our government is not "sitting on it's hands" it's hands are tied thanks to our EU masters. the very masters who inflicted the abominable "Human Rights Act" upon us, thus ensuring that all and sundry can enter our shores and there isn't a d**n thing we can do about it. Have the Conservatives said they will rescind it? Thought not, David and Gordon are just two pigs sharing the same trough.

    Time to call a halt people, there are more of us than there is of them, just!

    I would entreat every citizen who has had enough to write, phone or e-mail their local MP and tell them their a**e is hanging out of the window, their days are numbered, the gravy train has left the station. Since when did the tail wag the dog? We pay this pile of s***e a fortune to do our bidding not the other way round, wake up they are giving our country away.

    Please do not tell me that all immigrants improve the economy, if they were that clever or that entreprenurial they would be better off in their own country, or failing that go to Scandinavia.

    Many that come here are economic migrants, we have the best welfare system in the world, struth they get better treatment than the indigenous population thanks to their "human rights". Can I, as a Brit, go to France, Germany or Italy and expect that country to house me, find me employment, educate my children, get me an interpreter, a "welfare rights" officer? F**k no they would give me a shrug and point me to the nearest bus station, probably in the direction of the UK, so much for our EU partnership!

    Wake up Britain,     .  .  

  5. It isn't. You are being xenophobic.

  6. They are sitting on there hands because they havn,t a clue what to do , Besides it does,nt touch them in there ivory towers and they have more than enough money to fly the coup if it gets to bad . and most of them couldn,t give a toss they are getting cheap labour for there businesses so who cares



    Instead we should have our American Troops Get Out of Iraq

    And stay on the borders between Texas, Cali, New MX, and Arizona

    to shoot off illegals

    That'd help out on our economy and making our state more mexican than more american

  8. i know, its ridiculous!!!!

  9. Because they are socialist and way too liberal for their own good. Remember it well, it is where the USA is headed if Obama is elected.  

  10. I believe mass immigration is against the human rights of the real British, we would never have agreed to millions of Muslims and others from the World's least successful countries coming permanrantly to the UK,  if  the multiculturists had the decency to ask us first.

  11. Because they seek a better life "when your warm in your bed tonight think about how lucky you are to be born here"

  12. because our politicans r  tooo liberal!!!

  13. Daily Mail and Migration Watch are not good unbiased sources.

    But yes immigration has become a serious issue. But economics has a way of leveling things out. Fewer are coming from eastern europe since the value of the £ is not so lucrative anymore.

  14. I am sure that Britain was a much better place to live and thrive in the earlier decades but now due to the heavy influx of asylum seekers, legal and more illegal the resources are beginning to dry out. What does this mean for the average Brit?

    This means that the average Brit with little to no further education shall be ultimately paying the price as they (the average Brits) have a lot less if anything to offer than those who have bothered to become something.

    The British people are at fault due to the fact that THEY are the ones who have tolerated the soft government. They are the ones who vote in the government and hence the system that comes with it.

    The British are the most tolerant of all Europeans and those from outside the EU know that. Brits complain about their state of affairs (which they have created) but are too lazy to rectify the situation. It is now far too late to do this as the train has left the platform long ago and there won't be another one coming. That is the sad reality. They allowed the situation to get out of control because they are in general nothing but a lazy bunch of louts who have never checked up on who is really who.

    To add to this, asylum seekers arrive on the shores of Britian with falsified documents, if any at all and there is no way in telling who they really are. That lot change their names like I change my underwear and the lazy Brits just let them in with all the diseases under the sun and all the other problems that they have. A lot of the asylum seekers come from those war torn zones in the world.

    What an irony that the Brits have successfully defended their shores from the n***s and the like and now one doesn't even have to fire a single shot to get into the back door.

    I pity those stuck on that a sort of ironic way. They colonised many places in the world and now they themselves are being colonised.....god help them all

  15. Because Brussels has made it impossible to close the door. The sooner we are out of Europe and making our own decisions, instead of being dictated to by the Brussels dictatorship, the better.

    Also Brown is importing people who, surprise, surprise, will probably be able to vote in 2010 and could swing the election to their friends in the Labour party.

    Welcome to the Britain of 1984.

  16. Answer: Liberalism, now do see why it is a mental disorder?

  17. Because they're not competent enough to do something about the issue and it will cost money, which means they wont have it to waste on their ivory back scratchers.

    I really have to question this government, we pay tax on tax and stealth taxes on top of that yet what do they do with all the money? Everything in this country is getting worse yet we pay even more taxes than ever before :(

    Are there any e-petitions on immigration? It really is becoming a very serious problem.

  18. Most of our loony left wing liberal government departments are 'equal opportunity' employers and hence are themselves full of  immigrants so it's now simply a case of the lunatics have taken over the asylum ! Also the PC 'Human Rights' law stops anyone from trying to stop the flow.

  19. For the same reason it's out of control in America; they think that moving house will help them have a different lifestyle when that kind of thing is down to them, and  the way they lived, and  they don't see that no matter where they live, it will be the same.

  20. Because the ruling elite, sorry government, could not organise a p*ss up in a brewery. They are incompetent beyond belief, babbling amongst themselves but no one sober enough to even attempt a workable solution. I am sure that they think that these immigrants will vote for them if they get into the country as they know for a fact that the indigenous population are going to kick them out.

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