
Why is independence day matter? Why is it so important to everyone? I just want your own opinions..?

by Guest64749  |  earlier

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Also what do you think of Jefferson's indepence??




  1. Celebrate freedom.

  2. You should say..."Why does Independence day matter?" . Why do you care?

  3. Go to school please! If you are an American you should know the answer to this question. If you are under 13 years old, then I should probably apologize.

  4. What a very ignorant question to ask an American. If you are indeed an American, Clearly you have not studied history or do you apparently care about the symbolism behind such holidays. You are what this country has come to.  

    You carelessly act as though ignorance is a virtue. And, for Christ's sake, learn how to write and spell.

    Thomas Jefferson drafted our Declaration of Independence which is his crowning glory in addition to being the 3rd president of theses United States. Without that document and his leadership, you would be speaking with an English accent and we all would have the Parliament and Queen Elizabeth as our monarch.

  5. Because independence is the most important aspect of nationhood.  Independence means sovereignty.

    For this reason, we need to withdraw from the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF, and every other international organization that compromises our independence.

    We can trade with other nations, but we cannot allow our laws to be compromised by membership in one of these bodies.

    This is the opposite view from many of our politicians.  They are bent on destroying the United States, as a sovereign nations, by creating a North American Union.  This, like the European Union, would have the final say on our laws.  Like NAFTA, which controls our foreign trade (in violation of our Constitution) the NAU would determine our immigration laws.  It would have the final say on our military defense.

  6. Independance day is the day our country was loosened from the grips of British Rule and Made us American , and that gave us freedom.. without that... we'd probably still be eating tea and crumpits now and wearing tights

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