
Why is inorganic food bad for you?

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why is inorganic foodbad for you and why is organic food better?

and if you grow food at home youurself, is that organic?




  1. Non organic certified food is not necessarily BAD for you, it is just that some people prefer to pay extra for organic food.

    Organic foods are produced according to certain production standards, meaning they are grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives.  Livestock are reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified.

    Organic food production is legally regulated. Currently, the European Union, the United States, Japan and many other countries require producers to obtain organic certification in order to market food as organic.

    Historically, organic farms have been relatively small family-run farms — which is why organic food was once only available in small stores or farmers' markets. However, since the early 1990s organic food has had growth rates of around 20% a year, far ahead of the rest of the food industry, in both developed and developing nations. As of April 2008, organic food accounts for 1-2% of food sales worldwide.

    As far as growing it yourself, it would be considered organic if you did not use any non-organic ingredients in the growing.

  2. As others have said there is no evidence that there is any health benefit to eating organic foods. The argument usually goes something like: man-made pesticides are absorbed by the plant and is therefore inside the fruit/vegetable when you eat it. Organic food is grown without artificial pesticides and is therefore more natural. Because it is more natural it is healthier.

    Plants make there own natural pesticides and secrete them to kill bugs and pests that eat them. If no man-made pesticides are used, then the plants don't have as much protection from the pests and secrete more of their own natural pesticides. An organic food advocate would probably say that these pesticides are natural, and therefore aren't unhealthy like the artificial ones. There really isn't any reason to think that just because something is natural it is healthy. The natural pesticides cause just about as much trouble and negative health-effects as the artificial ones do, that is, almost none.

    One big red flag you should always be quick to notice about health related products is the claim that some product is "natural", and therefore healthier than other, non-natural products. There are just as many harmful things, if not more, than there are healthy things in our environment. Just because something is natural it is not necessarily healthy.

  3. In chemistry terms, all food is organic. Certified organic foods are raised without pesticides or other chemicals.

    They may taste better, since they tend to be fresher and more ripe when picked (tend to be local, so tomatoes aren't picked "green", for example).

    If one believes chemicals used in raising foods are bad, then organic foods remove that risk. However, some people claim "organic" food could be higher in bacteria.

    In actuality, I don't think "organic" food is better for you.

  4. its not bad for u but organic is better.

    its better cuz its fresher i think.... im not sure but we have a lot of organic foods around the house so i geuss its better then non organic!!!!

  5. Organic food is grown without the help of man made fertilizers, or harmful pesticides. There fore we do not ingest those products that can be potentially hazardous to our body's if we eat organic foods. Organic foods are grown with natural fertilizers such a cow manure, and to keep bugs away certain flowers are often used such as the marigold.

  6. Inorganic food is not necessarily bad for you, nor is organic food necessarily good for you.  If you grow at home and use only organic materials then yes it would be organic and if you use inorganic materials then no; by materials I mean fertilizers, pesticides, etc.  The term organic, as used on food products, merely specifies what materials were used in the production of the food product.  The belief that organic foods are better for you comes from the belief that "natural" things are good and "unnatural" things are bad, this is not the case.  There are many "natural" things that would kill you and many "unnatural" things which prove very useful, see penicillin.  

  7. There is no such thing as "inorganic food".

    Organic food is grown according to certain standards, such as avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilisers.  Some people think it is better for you, but there is no good evidence for this.

    Often, organic food is grown with greater care by small producers and does taste better.

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