
Why is international cooperation needed to deal with global warming?

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Why is international cooperation needed to deal with global warming?




  1. It's an international problem, and this can't be like group projects in school, where one person (or in this case, country) does all of the work.we are all causing the problem, and we should all try to solve it.

  2. I think it has been started the global awareness of global greenhouse effect caused by the Co2 emmitted from industrial plants and vehicles woprldwide in the early 60s.

    In 1960, Charles David Keeling, after researching in Antarctica and Mauna Loa, Hawaii, produced a record of the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere that indicated that the amount was rising steadily. Once publicized, Keeling’s findings came to be regarded as representative of the greenhouse effect. (Spencer Weart and the American Institute of Physics).

    The 1970s marked an increase in concern over climate change. Environmental awareness rose, and organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were founded. Furthermore, the world experienced its first oil shortages in 1973 and 1979, alerting the public that cheap energy could not be taken for granted in the modern world.

    By 1983, global warming was a political issue. Plans for what to do to stop the warming began to develop. In 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (link: was established, the first international organization dedicated to global warming on a scientific and political standpoint.

    I think many international environmental groups are putting presure to Hong Kong fascist chief executive, Donald Tsang Yum-kuen who lied as much as George Bush for not participated in the Kyoto Procol for reducing the CO2 emmision in the US after he won the election against Bill Clinton (supposed and promised to support the European Kyoto Protocol project). What a damned US president who sucked for abusing his power to victimize the world citizens. Hong Kong is currently known as the very unsafe city to live in this world. The API (Air Pollution Index) average around 80 to 100 year round which is far away from the norm of the WHO (World Health Organization)recommended 30. There were 3,000 Hong Kong citizens had died in Hong Kong in 2007 because of the foul air. Furthermore, the Li Ka Shing Medical Centre, University of Hong Kong, released a report of recorded more than 10 million clinical visits last year for the treatment of air pollution caused chronicle diseases of asthma, heart and lungs in this city of total population almost seven millions. The Hong Kong government should ban the two coal fired power generating stations, the bunker feul used by the ferry boats and other sea going vehicles, the diesel trucks and cars keep on running in Hong Kong roads, and the car flow capacity is greater than 400/km. There are show letters in the internet described Hong Kong is the most polluted and unhealthy to live and many corps are relocated to the foreign and neighbouring Asian countries.

    Four IPCC reports following 1990 demonstrated increasingly dire consequences stemming from the global warming trend. In 1990, the IPCC warned of future temperature increases. In 1995, it stated that human-caused global warming was evident and serious warming could occur in the following century. In 2001, it attested that the crisis was “unequivocal” and warned of severe, imminent consequences. Finally, in 2007, the IPCC stated that effects of climate change have already begun to present themselves, and it would be economically prudent to switch to clean energy rather than to deal with the damage global warming will cause. Meanwhile, 1998 and the years following were recorded as some of the warmest years in recent history, and many other fluctuations in the weather convinced most scientists that humans’ role in heating up the planet was indisputable.

  3. What is the penalty for those who do not comply?

    The only gainers for this move are lawyers and politicians.  Businesses passing the cost right down to their consumers.

    We consumers gain a bigger number on our bills and live under the same climate changes.

  4. Because existing agreements such as Kyoto will fail to reduce global GHG emissions or halt the resulting warming of global climate.  We need to design an effective agreement instead.

    See the details in my answer here:

    We have set a precendent for developing nation irresponsibiilty that will be difficult to retract.

  5. Because it concerns the whole world. I believe a consensus by over 200 nations took part on this issue and have pledged their cooperation.

  6. Well, I'm going to start by taking JS to task for saying flat out that Kyoto will fail.  It is significant for bringing so many parties to the table and for laying the groundwork for whatever follows.  History will, I'm sure, give Kyoto a lot of credit for accomplishing a great many things.

    That said, the level of cooperation needed to achieve substantive mitigation has got to go well beyond the groundwork laid down by Kyoto.  There will need to be political elders and visionary leaders who can bridge the gaps that currently are hobbling efforts to move forward.

    Each nation will have to demonstrate a true commitment to changing the way they do business.  I'm an optimist by nature, and I think even China will come around sooner than later, and soon enough.  That signal of cooperation will let us know, finally, that we've turned the page towards effective change.

  7. Everyone pollutes but I don't agree that manmade causes are responsible for large scale changes in climate....

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