
Why is internet things is cheap the n outside?

by  |  earlier

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  1. less overhead, ie utilities, buildings, sales people to pay etc. thus they can keep costs down, though not as low as some stores due to volume of sales. if a net seller has high sales, all he really needs is storage, and enough sales to pay the few bills he has. often the online seller has direct access to the manufacturer and can get things sent directly from them to you, he being little more than a salesman for the manufacturer.

  2. Because internet businesses do not have the same overhead costs that plague businesses which actually display their products on premises. You can operate an internet business out of your basement- you won't have to spend on electric lighting, rental, display costs, things to make your store look all pretty to attract customers. Plus, you can capture a larger market- if you set up a website such as Ebay Stores, you can have people from all over the country and even internationally bidding on your items or purchasing from you. With a store, you can only capture customers in a specific location. Thus, it is easy to make more profit and then transfer these savings in the form of lower prices charged to your customers.

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