
Why is israel banning us from visiting the holy mosque over there?

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Wtf !! we wanna visit it. israel doesnt give visas to arabian countries and Malaysia




  1. That's because those countries are in a state of war with Israel.  Egyptians, Jordanians, Turks, Moroccans, ect,ect can go

  2. Why do Muslims forbid a non-Mulsim to visit the Kabba(sp?).  It is supposed to be the original site where Abraham built the altar to God and Abraham is a prophet in the Christian religion too, so don't Christians have the right to visit it.  

  3. I had the privilege of visiting Jerusalem and praying in the Al-Aqsa mosque more than once.  I know I am very lucky because many people are denied entry.  But know that even palestinians who live there are often denied entry into Jerusalem, so you are actually not the exception but the unfortunate norm.  

  4. Lots of Arab country's will not allow Israelis to enter their country. And I am sure Israel won't allow Muslims to visit the Holy Mosque in Israel because Israel is concerned that one wacko may come and blow things up. .

  5. Hello,

    Retaliation since some of these Arab countries will not allow anyone with an Israeli passport stamp into their country. In other words a t*t for a tat.


    Michael Kelly

  6. Let me tell you, the longer you dwell on division, the longer it will take to visit the Mosque al-Aqsa, but no matter what the kings and queens of arabia say, zahfan zahfan, we are coming

  7. because the devil is operating through them

  8. As a Muslim, its best to be patient.

    Masjid Al Aqsa will be liberated from jewish control. But only when Allah wills it.

  9. so im not the only one, everyone was saying that its not true, and that im lying, even though i've had experience.

  10. They are not aloud in Saudi so I guess they do not want us there, I guess I see where they are coming from.  

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