
Why is it, that, when on final in bad weather (night, rain, turbulence etc.), people just speak very loud.....

by Guest63353  |  earlier

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......... to the others, and you have the impression that you are in a bar (tough when on a sunny day, there is not much noise)?




  1. Because they are nervous

  2. We (the pilots) don't, so not sure what you mean.

  3. People like to talk loudly or something mostly to reassure themselves that everything is OK.  Whistling or singing when alone on a dark road is similar in that you are not in your element.  Pinching your self to be sure everything is real....

  4. People are trying to not pay attention to the outside a pilot I think that it is so sad people are scared of flying. They try to ignore something just because they don't understand what is actually going on , flying through turbulence or rain is no danger.

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