
Why is it, that the holy cross is essentially an upside-down sword?

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Swords were around alot longer than christianity, if you hadn't noticed.




  1. It is too late to ask Constantine 1st about it, he died back in the 4th Century. He was the fellow that came up with the cross as a symbol of the religion he created to control his empire, it allegedly came to him in a dream the night before the Battle of Milvian Bridge.

  2. why is the bare butt called a moon? it should be two moons, shouldn't it?

  3. I always thought the sword was an upside down cross.

  4. actually the cross originated from ancient pagan religions, there is gonna be some people fussing about me saying that. It comes from Nimrod, Ishtar(Pronounced Easter in English Hmmmm), and Tammuz(Nimrod reborn who then married his mother)(This was the start of the quote "Holy Trinity"). Read about them and ancient Babylon. There names also include Osiris and Isis in Egypt along with many other names throughout different lands. It represents a multitude of pagan Gods and Idols. The cross became more prominent when Simon the Pater aka Simon the Sorceror along with Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea. But back to the main answer the cross itself represents a few things, 1. Fertility 2. The Three points of the sun, Morning, Noon, Night. 3. and so on depending again on the area of the world. The main religion that created this mainstream of pagan idols was none other than The Roman Catholic Church. This is also relevant to Ancient Babylon.  

  5. Because you have a very creative mind.

    Not trying to insult you, btw.

  6. It's because when the Lord comes He will conquer with the sword.


  7. cause that is how YOU view it.

  8. No. The sword with the tip facing down is at upright position.

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