
Why is it, when i stick my hand in a 600 degree oven its hot but when i stick my hand in a freezer its cold?

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Why is it, when i stick my hand in a 600 degree oven its hot but when i stick my hand in a freezer its cold?




  1. Could you get any stupider?

  2. because there diffrent tempatures and ones gonna be hot and why are you sticking your hand in a 600 degree oven

  3. l can't explain the freezer but as for the oven, blow the pilot out and '' then ''stick your head in.....and keep it in, lt will get cold

  4. Because Ovens are hot and Freezers are cold.

  5. Don't listen to these idiots who are mocking you.  You asked a serious question, and you should receive a serious answer.  The phenomena that you are witnessing is known collectively as The Reindeer Effect.  Basically, you are witnessing a physical manifestation of the abstractive impossibility inherent in the theory of Maxwell's Demon.  This is very strange, and very important as it appears that your are witnessing perpetual motion, a scientific impossibility.  It would be a good idea for you to document these phenomena, as it seems obvious already that people will scoff in disbelief at what you describe.  It's possible that you've made the most important scientific discovery in many decades.

  6. That was funny pick  the guy above me!!!

  7. You oven goes up to 600 degrees?  Dude, that is way hot, you could get 2nd degree burns within seconds.  I assume this is basically a joke question, since everyone knows a freezer is set at below freezing so of course it would be cold.

  8. Ask another. See if you get can any stupider.

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