
Why is it, when two Lorry's are overtaking on a duel carriageway or motorway.?

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They go for miles at the same speed, taking ages to pass. It's obvious they are governed to just about the same speed. So why does'nt the one being overtaken slow down just a few miles per hour. That would make the whole process a lot qicker and safer, and a lot less irritating to all other road users.




  1. All lorry's in england are limited to 62mph, on a very slight incline only the more modern lorry's can keep the power up to 62 unless they're travelling empty, therefore when one wants to overtake, the other fully laden one can't afford to slow down even by 3mph as it'll take forever to get it back up. + all the lorry drivers these days are being told to avoid sharp acceleration as much as possible to keep the fuel prices down, it'll cost at least £2.50 to slow down by even 3mph then speed up on a hill, hence the car driver behind fuming as 2 lorry's inch past each other.

  2. Its d**n right annoying

  3. May I suggest that you all take a look at some of the things that stupid tosser @rsehole car drivers get up to next time you go out?

    The trouble is that there is no respect for lorry drivers in this country.

    They are the lifeblood of every single thing that goes on and without them you would all be absoloutly stuffed.

    There are many VERY PROFESSIONAL lorry drivers on our roads but you lot only care to see the odd one or two that let the rest down.


  4. Good question, I see that happen often.  I think it's just a matter of no one is willing to be courteous and slow down a bit.

  5. I agree. It's bloody irritating to be stuck behind 2 lorries running parallel at 51 and a half miles an hour for miles on end.

  6. The problem is not just about the speed-limiter kicking in at 56mph; it is also about the relative weight of each vehicle and the power of the engine. It is absolutely infuriating to be passing another truck towards the end of a long incline, and the driver being overtaken starts to gather speed as the incline levels out; resulting in a complete stalemate. The driver who is overtaking COULD slow down, but this usually means inconveniencing everyone queing behind. In an ideal world, the driver of the vehicle being overtaken would ease off and allow the overtaking vehicle to pass; which is what I always do in this situation. It's only common courtesy to allow another vehicle to overtake and complete their manouvere.

    However, even in an ideal world, things can catch a driver out. A very slow moving vehicle ahead can become a real obstacle, and sometimes it is necessary to drop back even when overtaking, to prevent the vehicle which is being overtaken reducing to a crawl or having to brake heavily to avoid a collision.

    It isn't always easy to make the right judgements; especially when vehicles have speed-limiters set at different speeds: some at 52mph, some at 56mph and Irish ones set at National Express speed.

    I have to say though, that some car-drivers are just as bad, when they come charging past, dive in, brake hard and slow to a crawl BEFORE they get to a slip-road. That can be a truly dangerous situation, with potentially disastrous consequences.

  7. Probably because they are tossers....But hey Its against the Law now overtake at same Up yours to all lorry drivers who block our roads and delaying our journeys...Sick of hearing on radio lorry this ,lorry that ..

  8. They're playing car snooker by blocking you passing, you'll be okay if you drive a white vehicle (cue ball), bad luck if it's red (2 points) or black (7 points)!

  9. Lorry's in the UK are resticted to 56mph. This was a government decision to improve road safety (although I doubt how much difference it makes when the 44 tonnes travelling behind you hits home. . . 56 or 80 mph it's still gonna flatten a car). But differences in weight and/or accelaration mean lorry's can slowly gain on each other, until one needs to pass. But a lorry driver is also strictly regulated on the number of hours he or she can drive in a day/week (unlike car drivers). So the faster a driver can arrive at a destination, unload and return to his place of work, the sooner he can return home to his family. Yes there are some inconsiderate HGV drivers out there, but equally some car drivers leave it until the last minute to pull in front of a truck, so they can make their exit from a motorway. And 44 tonnes will never stop quickly. And how many trucks you do pass without slowing you down? More than the ones you notice holding you up. And do you always slow down for the required speed limit? And if not, why is YOUR journey so important? Truck drivers are monitored by a tachograph which records the times, speed and distance the vehicle has covered. The Great Heck rail crash was caused by a car driver who fell asleep at the wheel after being on the internet all night. The sooner ALL drivers learn that less speed/impatiance is a good thing, the sooner I'll stop finding out who was to blame and my colleagues will stop knocking on doors to break the bad news.

  10. why is you're journey so much more important?

    most lorry drivers will slow down by 1-3 km/ph  to let the other pass. It's only a few that don't. try driving a lorry for a living you'll soon understand. if you slow down too much  you have to try to get moving again,  most lorry overtaking occurs on hills where lighter lorries will slow down less than heavy ones .........

    simon's comment makes me laugh,

    I'd love to know where he got the notion of against the law to overtake at the same speed. if you was traveling at the same speed you'd not be able to overtake ...TW@!

    PS, without lorries you'd have f**k all

  11. its called momentumm. when you drive truck it is very important

  12. i agree

  13. they are all paid to go as fast as they can - if one sees another going full speed it too will go full speed, then they go at the same pace for miles, till one driver gets bored.

  14. They should make lorrys stick to one lane!!

  15. It's because the drivers are @rseholes.

  16. I totally agree,  as for lorries and wide loads get on the main roads all together or just move out of the way and stop playing these games......

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