
Why is it, whenever someone asks a question?

by  |  earlier

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In which they detail an experience that goes beyond the mundane, material world, people either assume their crazy, or assume their stoned. Is it so impossible that maybe, perhaps there things in reality that science doesn't fully comprehend yet?




  1. maybe they just ain't as sophisticated as u

  2. No... they're stoned!

  3. Its a limitation of our culture.  We don't have a common language nor a reverence in our culture for mystical experiences. I think it is rather sad that we are this way.

  4. science is fact and reality is opinion bro.

    stoners have realy good ideas.... atleast they think there good

    and people arent comfortable in stepping outside the box

    hope it helps

  5. Just say you see a ghost and your classified as crazy...Scientist don't even come close ....better yet, Tell them that Real Angels came and took you they will assume i'm crazy or high and i'm neither, Just open minded....They think your crazy,because they are closed minded ..only if they knew, right!!  

  6. Of course there is, science cannot explain everything. The human mind is one example.

  7. i think its possible .. but the odds are they are in fact intoxicated by some chemical substance ...

  8. Too many people live in closets or sheltered lives.  Too many people here, even the adults must still live with their mommies and haven't made it beyond the from yard to experience anything real or possible that life has to offer.  All they have are their little televisions in their little rooms and mommie won't let them watch the news unsupervised and the other adult shows are no-nos.  Anytime they've been faced with anything unusual they run to mommies apron strings and she tells them "its ok, nothing can hurt you, those are just monsters"  so they grow up believing everything is fake or that only evil or bad people deal with unusual or odd circumstances.  They're no different than the people who grow up in cults in texas or utah: Sheltered, unaware, ignorant, book-smart with no street-smarts whatsoever.  Plus their only reality is what is learned in Yahoo! Answers, so if they can delete and block people who post real questions which scare them they can avoid reality and continue on in their sheltered lives.

  9. Maybe instead of being stoned, they were dropping acid?

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